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Stories that Intrigue
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Stories that Intrigue

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Stories that Intrigue

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STORIES THAT INTRIGUE is a book of six connected delightful and upbeat short stories about the trip to London, Switzerland, France, and New York taken by the main characters Julia, Stephanie, and Sam. Julia and her sister Stephanie take an international trip from Trinidad in the Caribbean to drop Stephanie off at University in France. Sam, an Internet friend, who secretly loves Julia, joins them. Stephanie was unaware that Julia planned to meet Sam. and was upset when he turned up. Fortunately for them, he did, as he saved the sisters from two unfortunate occurrences. The book is filled with tours, adventure, intrigue, and pictures too to fuel your imagination. Love blooms in France for Julia and Sam and the story has a surprising and suspenseful ending. The book received a five-star review from Readers Favorite International: "Reviewed By Lesley Jones for Readers' Favorite" "In Stories That Intrigue by Brenda Mohammed, Julia, a best-selling novelist, and her younger sister Stephanie have just landed at Heathrow Airport from Trinidad. They plan to meet Sam Jurai whom Julia met through social media, and who will be working with Julia on her 24th novel before traveling to France, where Stephanie is about to start her fashion degree at the university. Throughout these fast-paced six short stories, Julia and Stephanie travel from London to France, Switzerland, and New York, where they discover the streets are filled with exciting and wonderful places, as well as situations that threaten their safety. Sam proves to be a valuable travel partner, but he holds a secret love for Julia. Will he find the courage to tell her how he feels. and how will she respond? Each of the short stories is compelling. and includes the perfect amount of tension and suspense. Brenda has cleverly written each tale to flow effortlessly into the next. The relationship between Julia and Stephanie is wonderful; and their dialogue and actions perfectly prove the support and care they have for one another. Both Julia and Stephanie have the ideal blend of femininity and strong independence which I love to see in female characters. Stories That Intrigue by Brenda Mohammed is the perfect book for anyone who loves to travel, as the cities throughout are described in superb detail. You get a sense of the culture and atmosphere in each of the places they visit. I also loved the fact that the characters were from different cultures. The author has a wonderful talent for creating characters and dialogue that completely engage the reader. The stories are filled with love, exciting action, human vulnerability, and tense dangerous situations."
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