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Travis Scott
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Travis Scott

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Travis Scott

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Did you know where the Moniker Travis Scott came from? Or on this matter, who? Yes who. Travis Scott is the name of his favorite Uncle. He looked upon his uncle because he makes good (business) decisions and has swag. His story is one of those where they overcome all challenges and shined bright for us all to see! Did you know that Travis grew up like any kid in a middle-class family? Well, except the factor that he loved music so much! Did you know how he learned to see a bigger picture and put himself in other people shoes? Well, he went to a private school for elementary and middle school (middle-class environment) but in high school, he went to Elkins High School (how he saw poverty and see the world clearer), a public school and this helps him see different views of life. At this moment he was able to come up with a realization that there could be a bigger picture than his small dot of life in Texas. This was the start of his journey to do what he loves to do against all odds because you know middle-class life is comforting and is ok not to dream, for his case jamming with other class made him built his dreams up! Have you guys tried watching the thing that you want so bad, the thing you're dreaming of in TV? Well, this is exactly what happened to Travis… His dream was to become famous, create songs and film music videos but there he was, going to college, just watching all those things he wants to do on TV. Well, you can make the decision right now and turn your life around like what Travis did… He decided enough is enough! The realization that in the end, he will have a 9-to- 5 job makes him unsatisfied and made the decision. Did you know that he lied to his parents to be able to save some money and follow his dreams…. So how determine can you get? I’m just saying, look at him now! But it does suck when your parents find out you're lying… so you should think about that. Did you know that when his parents find out he was lying, Travis parents disowned him? But as I said, look at him now, following your heart, indeed, always pays off! From a college student dreaming of becoming big in the industry, to the next big thing! Travis Scott really did well even he came with nothing. He is now recognized as the most watch artist, can you imagine that? His life is like a Rodeo! So what are you waiting for? Turn the page to continue our exploration of Travis Scott’s life and share to your friends.
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