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Sibelius Edition vol.11 - CD Audio di Jean Sibelius
Sibelius Edition vol.11 - CD Audio di Jean Sibelius
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Sibelius Edition vol.11 - CD Audio di Jean Sibelius

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CD Audio
31 agosto 2010

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Jean Sibelius

1865, Hämeenlinna

Compositore finlandese. Intraprese gli studi da autodidatta per poi proseguirli a Helsinki (con M. Wegelius), dove fece amicizia con Busoni e si perfezionò anche nel violino. Tra il 1889 e il 1891 soggiornò alcuni mesi a Berlino e a Vienna grazie a una borsa di studio; al suo rientro in patria si mise in luce con il poema sinfonico Kullervo per soli, coro e orchestra (1892), ispirato all'epica finnica del Kalevala, che lo avvicinò al nazionalismo finlandese, di cui ben presto si fece alfiere con varie musiche d'occasione a sfondo patriottico. Pur attento agli sviluppi della musica europea (grazie a tournées e viaggi all'estero), S. resterà in futuro sempre fedele alla scelta nazionale anche a costo di isolarsi dai grandi movimenti del rinnovamento musicale del primo Novecento, a volte chiudendosi...


Disco 1

Play Pausa
1 3. Kullervo ja hänen sisarensa (Kullervo and his sister): Allegro
Play Pausa
2 4. Kullervon kuolema (Kullervo's death)
Play Pausa
3 Rauhallisesti - Keveästi - Reippaasti - Tempo 1- Hitaasti
Play Pausa
4 The broken voice
Play Pausa
5 Hail, o moon
Play Pausa
6 The boat journey
Play Pausa
7 Fire on the island
Play Pausa
8 The woodsman's song
Play Pausa
9 Song of my heart
Play Pausa
10 Heitä, koski, kuohuminen (Cease, O Cataract, thy foaming)
Play Pausa
11 Hymn (Natus in curas) op. 21
Play Pausa
12 Kuutamolla (In the moonlight)
Play Pausa
13 Nr. 3: Athenarnes sang (Song of the Athenians)
Play Pausa
14 Sandels op. 28

Disco 2

Play Pausa
1 Nr. 2: Har du mod? (Have you courage?)
Play Pausa
2 Ej med klagan (Not with lamentation)
Play Pausa
3 Laulun mahti (The power of song)
Play Pausa
4 Veljeni vierailla mailla (My brother's abroad)
Play Pausa
5 Isänmaalle (To the fatherland)
Play Pausa
6 Tulen synty (The origin of fire) op. 32
Play Pausa
7 Nr. 2: Har du mod?
Play Pausa
8 Uusmaalaisten laulu (Song of the people of Uusimaa)
Play Pausa
9 Nr. 1: Herr Lager och Skön fager
Play Pausa
10 Nr. 2: Pa berget
Play Pausa
11 Nr. 3: Ett drömackord
Play Pausa
12 Nr. 4: Evige Eros
Play Pausa
13 Nr. 5: Till havs
Play Pausa
14 Fridolins darskap (Fridolin's folly)
Play Pausa
15 Jone havsfärd (Jonah's voyage)
Play Pausa
16 Nr. 1: Ute hörs stormen
Play Pausa
17 Nr. 2: Brusande rusar en vag
Play Pausa
18 Likhet (Resemblance)
Play Pausa
19 Jääkärien marssi (March of the Finnish Jäger Battalion) op. 91a
Play Pausa
20 Fasssung 1
Play Pausa
21 Fasssung 2
Play Pausa
22 Nr. 1: Humoreski
Play Pausa
23 Nr. 2: Ne pitkän matkan kulkijat
Play Pausa
24 Skyddskarsmarsch
Play Pausa
25 Siltavahti (The guardian of the bridge)
Play Pausa
26 Karjalan osa (Karelia's fate)
Play Pausa
27 Nr. 4: En etsi valtaa, loistoa
Play Pausa
28 Finlandia hymn

Disco 3

Play Pausa
1 Ensam i dunkla skogarnas famn (Alone in the dark forest's clasp)
Play Pausa
2 När sig varen ater föder (When spring is born again)
Play Pausa
3 Tanke, se, hur fageln svingar (Thought, see how the bird swoops)
Play Pausa
4 Hur blekt är allt (So faded everything is)
Play Pausa
5 Upp genom luften (Up through the air)
Play Pausa
6 Ack, hör du fröken Gyllenborg (Ah! Listen, Miss Gyllenborg)
Play Pausa
7 Työkansan marssi (March of the Labourers)
Play Pausa
8 Soitapas soria neito
Play Pausa
9 Juhlamarssi (Festive march)
Play Pausa
10 Oje Carulì (Oh Caroline)
Play Pausa
11 Trippole trappole
Play Pausa
12 Nr. 1: Me nuoriso Suomen (We, the youth of Finland)
Play Pausa
13 Nr. 2: Tuuli tuudittele (The wind rocks)
Play Pausa
14 Nr. 3: Oi toivo, toivo, sä lietomieli (O hope, hope you dreamer)
Play Pausa
15 Nr. 4: Montapa elon merellä (Many on the sea of life)
Play Pausa
16 Nr. 5: Sammuva sainio maan (The fading thoughts of the earth)
Play Pausa
17 Nr. 6: Soi kiitokseksi Luojan (We praise Thee, our Creator)
Play Pausa
18 Nr. 7: Tuule, tuuli leppeämmin (Blow, wind, more gently)
Play Pausa
19 Nr. 8: Oi lempi, sun valtas ääretön on (O love, your realm is limitless)
Play Pausa
20 Nr. 9: Kuin virta vuolas (As the swift current)
Play Pausa
21 Nr. 10: Oi, kallis suomi, äiti verraton (O precious Finland, mother beyond compare)
Play Pausa
22 1. Ecce novum gaudium
Play Pausa
23 2. Angelus emittitur
Play Pausa
24 3. In stadio laboris
Play Pausa
25 Rakastava (The lover)
Play Pausa
26 Nr. 1: Sortunut ääni (The broken voice)
Play Pausa
27 Nr. 3: Venematka (The boat journey)
Play Pausa
28 Nr. 4: Saarella palaa (Fire on the island)
Play Pausa
29 Nr. 6: Sydämeni laulu (Song of my heart)
Play Pausa
30 Min rastas raataa (Busy at the thrush)
Play Pausa
31 Isänmaalle (To the fatherland)

Disco 4

Play Pausa
1 Aamusumussa (Päiv' ei pääse)
Play Pausa
2 1. Fassung: Andantino
Play Pausa
3 2. Fassung: Tranquillo
Play Pausa
4 Ej med klagan (Not with lamentation)
Play Pausa
5 Listen to the water mill (Fragment)
Play Pausa
6 Nr. 1: Män fran slätten och havet (Men from land and sea)
Play Pausa
7 Nr. 2: Kellosävel Kallion kirkossa (The bells of Kallio Church)
Play Pausa
8 Uusmaalaisten laulu (Song of the people of Uusimaa)
Play Pausa
9 Nr. 1: Autumn song
Play Pausa
10 Nr. 2: The sun upon the lake is low
Play Pausa
11 Nr. 3: A cavalry catch
Play Pausa
12 Drömmarna (Släktena födas)
Play Pausa
13 Partiolaisten marssi (Scout March) op. 91b
Play Pausa
14 Koulutie (The way to school)
Play Pausa
15 Skolsang (School song)
Play Pausa
16 Den höga himlen (The lofty heaven)
Play Pausa
17 On lapsonen syntynyt meille (A child is born unto us)
Play Pausa
18 Finlandia Hymn
Play Pausa
19 Vi kysser du fader min fästmö här? (Why, O father, do you kiss my bride?)
Play Pausa
20 1. Ecce novum gaudium
Play Pausa
21 2. Angelus emittitur
Play Pausa
22 3. In stadio laboris
Play Pausa
23 Kotikaipaus (Homesickness)
Play Pausa
24 Impromptu op. 19 (für Streichorchester) (Fassung für Frauenchor und Klavier)
Play Pausa
25 Kansakoululaisten marssi (Ylös suomen lapset innoin)
Play Pausa
26 Kantat till ord av W. von Konow (Cantata to words by W. von Konow)
Play Pausa
27 Aamusumussa (Päiv' ei pääse)
Play Pausa
28 Terve ruhtinatar (Hail, O princess)
Play Pausa
29 Nejden andas
Play Pausa
30 Soi kunniaksi luojan
Play Pausa
31 Nr. 4: Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt
Play Pausa
32 Nr. 5: On hanget korkeat, nietokset
33 The world song of the world association of girl guides and girl scouts

Disco 5

Play Pausa
1 Säll är den som fruktar Herren
Play Pausa
2 Svara mig Gud när jag ropar
Play Pausa
3 Allt vad anda haver (1. Fassung)
Play Pausa
4 Allt vad anda haver (1. Fassung)
Play Pausa
5 Credo in unum Deum (2. Fassung)
Play Pausa
6 Credo in unum Deum (2. Fassung)
Play Pausa
7 Gloria Deo in excelsis
Play Pausa
8 Gloria in excelsis Deo
Play Pausa
9 Kyrie eleison
Play Pausa
10 Morgonens och aftonens portar
Play Pausa
11 Der König träumte
Play Pausa
12 Der Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras
Play Pausa
13 Dies ist der Tag des Herren
Play Pausa
14 Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit
Play Pausa
15 Ich gehe hinein zum Altar des Gottes
Play Pausa
16 Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele
Play Pausa
17 Gelobet sei dem Herrn
Play Pausa
18 Halleluja, halleluja
Play Pausa
19 Halleluja! Amen
Play Pausa
20 Die Wasser sahen dich
Play Pausa
21 Die Toten werden dich, Herr, nicht loben
Play Pausa
22 (Gott) Sei mir gnädig (1. Fassung)
Play Pausa
23 (Gott) Sei mir gnädig (2. Fassung)
Play Pausa
24 Er ist unser Herrscher (1. Fassung)
Play Pausa
25 Er ist unser Herrscher (2. Fassung)
Play Pausa
26 Er ist unser Herrscher (3. Fassung)
Play Pausa
27 Herr Gott, mein Heiland (1. Fassung)
Play Pausa
28 Herr Gott, mein Heiland (2. Fassung)
Play Pausa
29 Herr Gott, mein Heiland (3. Fassung)
Play Pausa
30 Herr Gott, mein Heiland (4. Fassung)
Play Pausa
31 Ich will deines Namens gedenken
Play Pausa
32 Mein Herr, ich rufe dich an (1. Fassung)
33 Mein Herr, ich rufe dich an (2. Fassung)
34 Herr, du bist mein Fels

Disco 6

Play Pausa
1 Me nuoriso Suomen
Play Pausa
2 Veno kupliksi vesille
Play Pausa
3 Tää valon nuori vartiasto
Play Pausa
4 Soma on tieto siemeniksi
Play Pausa
5 Hei tointa tarmosaapa tarvitaan
Play Pausa
6 ... hylyksi jouda (Fragment)
Play Pausa
7 Oi toivo, toivo, sä lietomieli
Play Pausa
8 Montapa elon merellä
Play Pausa
9 ... Suvi nyt Suomessa (Fragment)
Play Pausa
10 Soi kiitokseksi Luojan
Play Pausa
11 Yksin on elo iloton
Play Pausa
12 Oi Lempi, sun valtas ääretön on
Play Pausa
13 Kuin virta vuolas
Play Pausa
14 Sitä kuusta kuuleminen
Play Pausa
15 Hymn (Natus in curas) op. 21
Play Pausa
16 1. Ecce novum gaudium
Play Pausa
17 2. Angelus emittitur
Play Pausa
18 3. In stadio laboris
Play Pausa
19 Isänmaalle (To the fatherland)
Play Pausa
20 Nr. 3: Athenarnes sang
Play Pausa
21 Impromptu op. 19
Play Pausa
22 Nr. 2: Har du mod?
Play Pausa
23 Ej med klagan (Not with lamentation)
Play Pausa
24 Nejden andas (The landscape breathes)
Play Pausa
25 Till havs op. 84 Nr. 5
Play Pausa
26 Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt (Version for three-part boys' choir)
Play Pausa
27 Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt (Version for female choir SSAA and soprano)
Play Pausa
28 Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt (Version for female choir SMA and soprano)
Play Pausa
29 Suur' olet, Herra (You are great, O Lord)
Play Pausa
30 Finlandia-Hymne
Play Pausa
31 Finlandia-Hymne

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