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Practical Magical Techniques for New Witches
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3,49 €
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Practical Magical Techniques for New Witches

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Practical Magical Techniques for New Witches

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Practical Magical Techniques for New Witches is an occult handbook that will teach you essential magical practices and techniques to truly enjoy a magical life. Although this handbook has been written for new witches, even those with experience in magic can still benefit from it as it shares views and techniques that are beneficial for any magical practitioner. This handbook on magic and witchcraft does not only teach practical techniques, but it also talks about important magical theories. After all, in the practice of magic, it is always important to have the right knowledge that supports whatever it is that you are doing. Indeed, knowledge is power. Without the right knowledge, you would either not acquire true power or you might end up wielding it blindly. In the latter case, it can even be injurious. Not to mention, there have been many cases of magical practitioners who have hurt themselves because they do not understand the power that they are harnessing. Practical Magical Techniques for New Witches is a safe and secure guide that will teach you the ins and outs of true magical practice by providing you with a set of techniques that have practical uses and benefits. It is also worth noting that the practice of magic is not just about doing this on the physical plane with magic, but it is also about spirituality. As such, as you practice and learn the art of magic, the soul must also grow. You should never forget that the true practice of magic is purely spiritual — and spirituality is life. Practical Magical Techniques for New Witches is your golden path to a magical life. Even if you know nothing about magic, this handbook will give you the key that you need to finally venture into the real magical world. Sadly, there are many literature and books out there that only teach false information about the craft of magic. The teachings as revealed herein are all based on ancient teachings of the Craft of the Wise, thereby you can be sure of their authenticity for they come from the true source and origin of the sacred art of magic. The magic of the Earth and the sky is in your hands. The power of the sun and the moving waters of the oceans are yours as well. Even the stars and all plantery matters and beyond are connected to you. You are the center of the relative and always moving universe. True power is within you. Now is the time to let that power out and be the witch that you have always been meant to be. Live magically. Blessed be!
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