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Madam How and Lady Why; Or, First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children
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Madam How and Lady Why; Or, First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children - Charles Kingsley - ebook

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Madam How and Lady Why; Or, First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children

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In 'Madam How and Lady Why; Or, First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children' by Charles Kingsley, readers are taken on a fascinating journey exploring the wonders of the natural world through a series of engaging and educational stories. Kingsley's literary style is both informative and entertaining, making complex scientific concepts accessible to young readers. This book serves as a valuable introduction to the study of earth science, blending storytelling with factual information to engage the audience. By weaving together elements of folklore and scientific observation, Kingsley creates a unique blend of fiction and non-fiction that sparks curiosity and wonder in his readers. Through this exploration of the earth and its natural processes, Kingsley encourages children to think critically about the world around them and develop a deeper appreciation for nature. Charles Kingsley, a prominent English clergyman and writer, was known for his interest in natural history and social reform. His background in theology and advocacy for social issues influenced his writing, including 'Madam How and Lady Why'. Kingsley's passion for educating children about the natural world shines through in this book, as he imparts important lessons about science and environmental stewardship. I highly recommend 'Madam How and Lady Why; Or, First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children' to readers of all ages who are inquisitive about the mysteries of the earth and eager to learn more about the natural world. Kingsley's unique approach to blending storytelling with scientific knowledge makes this book a valuable resource for both children and adults interested in earth science.
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Charles Kingsley

(Holne, Devonshire, 1819 - Eversley, Hampshire, 1875) scrittore inglese. Sacerdote anglicano, fu uno dei fondatori del «socialismo cristiano» che riprendeva in chiave religiosa parte del programma cartista di rivendicazioni sociali. Storica è l’aspra controversia che ebbe con J.H. Newman, il quale per difendersi scrisse il suo capolavoro, l’Apologia pro vita sua (1864). Autore di saggi, sermoni, liriche, libri educativi, K. è oggi ricordato soprattutto per i suoi romanzi. Fermento (Yeast, 1848) e Alton Locke (1850), a sfondo sociale, rivelano intenti didattici e umanitari; molto più felici i vivaci romanzi storici (A Occidente!, Westward Ho!, 1855; Hereward la sentinella, Hereward the wake, 1866). Fu uno dei pochi ecclesiastici ad accettare la teoria darwiniana dell’evoluzione della specie,...


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