Do you have a healthy mental attitude and a positive outlook on life? Good for you. This means you are in the right frame of mind. But if you don't, this means you are in the left frame of mind. This is not so good. The left frame of mind is the wrong frame of mind. It means you have a Leftist Brain. Sorry. I don't make up the rules. And life isn't fair. At least you are not alone. Far from it even. Leftist brains are everywhere and come in a near endless variety of flavors, classifications and good intentions gone bad. There is, for instance, no fundamental difference between a Soviet communist Leftist Brain and a Wisconsin Democrat Leftist Brain. It is merely a matter of degree of Leftist Brain brainedness. And the reason for this huge range of confusion is that all leftist brains share the following three common characteristics: The belief that COLLECTIVISM is good and individualism is bad. The Leftist Brain hungers for parental government that promotes childlike dependency. It expects the State to regulate everything, from daycare to retirement. It does not care that this cradle-to-grave infantilization undermines freedom of choice, self-reliance and self-determination, as long as it is told that this is being done in the name of "equality," a wonderful sounding ideal that doesn't exist in nature. Collectivism, in short, conforms to the model of domination-submission. Individualism does not. The conviction that COERCION is superior to voluntary cooperation. The Leftist Brain is magically drawn to practices that restrict the individual's freedom to choose. It does not trust in voluntary action. It has no confidence in the spontaneous order created through mutual agreement. It is troubled by the thought of unrestricted individuals deciding things for themselves. They might not have "the greater good" in mind. This is why coercion is necessary. For the Leftist Brain, "the ends justify the means" and it only respects the rule of law when it is "interpreted" in the way it deems fit. SENSE OF MISSION trumps common sense. The Leftist Brain sees itself as the chosen one "on the right side of history." It believes it is superior to ordinary brains. They can never enjoy its higher, enlightened status. This belief serves the psychological function of bolstering what is typically the weak self-esteem of a brain that is ungrateful, ungenerous and unhappy. Its feigned altruism hides a lack of true empathy that leads to pronounced narcissist tendencies. Unchecked, these tendencies eventually lead to nihilism, narcissism and nihilism being functionally equivalent. This is what makes the Leftist Brain so easy to trigger. This is why it so quickly resorts to hysterical outbursts, violence and destruction. The problem is that regardless of how misguided or pathological this Leftist Brain brainedness may be, it has led us to where we are today. We now live in a Leftist Brain world. Like it or not, leftist brains are in control. And this Leftist Brain world is very far removed from the one the framers of the Constitution originally intended. Instead of thriving in a political system that protects individual liberties through the exercise of limited negative rights (don't do this, don't do that), the Leftist Brain's endless quest for some arbitrary "greater good" means we must endure coercive government direction through the exercise of unlimited positive rights (do this, do that). We must do as we are told, in other words. We remain indentured servants to the State. Most of these observations are meant to be humorous, although it cannot be denied that this type of humor may be seen as a subversive, bitter form of humor that is often cynical rather than laugh-out-loud funny. This is because it is in fact a subversive, bitter form of humor that is often cynical rather than laugh-out-loud funny. Have a nice day anyway.
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