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Catholic Occultism Magick
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Catholic Occultism Magick

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Catholic Occultism Magick

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School of Magick: Catholic Occultism Magick is a magical manual that reveals and teaches the magick behind Catholicism. Those with understanding know very well that the practices and rites in the Roman Catholic Church are deeply rooted in the magical arts. In fact, Catholic Christian practices have a strong and solid connection to occultism and magick. This course book teaches how you can apply the magical side of Catholic Christian practices into your life so as to create positive changes within you and all around you. Change is in the very nature of the magical arts. If you seek changes in your life, then the powers of magick can help you bring those changes into reality. School of Magick: Catholic Occultism Magick is written in an easy to understand manner and format, so that you can focus completely on learning and actually applying the teachings and techniques in your daily life. Occult magick is actually in the very fiber of all spiritual practices. There is nothing wrong with occult magick, but it is the people who attempt to practice it that causes corruption. After all, occult magick is a natural part of the universe. In the Catholic Church, there are many very interesting occult practices that will allow you to be immersed in pure magical and even mystical experiences. In fact, it is in the Catholic rites where you will encounter the very ancient secrets of the alchemists -- a form of high magick that happens when you attend Holy Mass. Indeed, there is so much to learn about Catholicism from an occult and magical viewpoint. There is a fascinating aspect that is to be seen. There are still people who wonder if it is safe and okay to practice magick when one is a follower of Jesus Christ. This has been a very old issue, and it can only be answered by the one who seeks the answer. To each his own. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that it is already a well-established fact that after Jesus was born, He was visited by the three magi, which translates to three magical practitioners. As based on the original text, the term magi is used. As you may already know, the word magi is the singular form of the word magus -- the word where the term magic came from. School of Magick: Catholic Occultism Magick gives the foundation that you need to start recognizing and practicing the magick behind Catholicism. You do not even have to be baptized into the Catholic religion to practice this. After all, the word Catholic means universal. It means that it is for all. This is right and proper simply because magick -- real magic -- indeed, is for all. Having said that, let me now welcome you into the world of Catholic Occultism Magick.
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