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Basic Accounting
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Basic Accounting

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Basic Accounting

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Is this the right book for me? Basic Accounting is a complete, step-by-step course in elementary accounting. Giving clear and concise explanations of accounting principles and practice including PAYE, cashflow statements, accounting for share capital, accounting standards and non-financial reporting, it is perfect for the newcomer to basic accounting, the first- level accounting student or anybody needing to brush up their accounting skills. No prior knowledge of bookkeeping or accounting is assumed. Clear explanations, diagrams and worked examples enable you to master the basic principles then apply them to practical examples to consolidate and test your knowledge. Basic Accounting includes: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Source documents Chapter 3: The ledger system Chapter 4: Balancing the cash book Chapter 5: Double entry theory and practice Chapter 6: The trial balance Chapter 7: Gross profit and stock Chapter 8: Trading and profit and loss and accounts Chapter 9: The balance sheet Chapter 10: Illustrative example Chapter 11: Cash and bank transactions Chapter 12: Bank reconciliation Chapter 13: The petty cash book Chapter 14: Credit transactions and suppliers' accounts Chapter 15: The accounts of credit customers Chapter 16: Purchases and sales returns Chapter 17: VAT and PAYE Chapter 18: Classification of ledger accounts Chapter 19: Final accounts of a sole trader Chapter 20: Interpretation of accounts Chapter 21: Cash flow statements Chapter 22: Capital and revenue expenditure Chapter 23: The genera; journal Chapter 24: Depreciation of fixed assets Chapter 25: Bad debts and provision for bad debts Chapter 26: Year-end adjustments Chapter 27: Incomplete records and single entry Chapter 28: Non-trading concerns and club accounts Chapter 29: Control Accounts Chapter 30: Partnership accounts Chapter 31: Accounting for management Chapter 32: Costs of production and manufacturing accounts Chapter 33: Introduction to limited companies Chapter 34: Accounting for share capital Chapter 35: The final accounts of a limited company Chapter 36: Accounting standards Chapter 37: Non-financial reporting Chapter 38: Computerized accounting Learn effortlessly with easy-to-read page design and interactive features: Not got much time? One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started. Author insights Lots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the authors' many years of experience. Test yourself Tests in the book and online to keep track of your progress. Extend your knowledge Extra online articles to give you a richer understanding of accounting. Try this Innovative exercise
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