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Female Short Story, The - A Chronological History - Volume 10
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Female Short Story, The - A Chronological History - Volume 10

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Female Short Story, The - A Chronological History - Volume 10

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A wise man once said ‘The safest place for a child is in the arms of his mother’s voice’. This is a perfect place to start our anthology of female short stories. Some of our earliest memories are of our mothers telling us bedtime stories. This is not to demote the value of fathers but more to promote the often-overshadowed talents of the gentler sex. Perhaps ‘gentler’ is a word that we should re-evaluate. In the course of literary history it is men who dominated by opportunity and with their stranglehold on the resources, both financial and technological, who brought their words to a wider audience. Men often placed women on a pedestal from where their talented words would not threaten their own. In these stories we begin with the original disrupter and renegade author Aphra Behn. A peek at her c.v. shows an astounding capacity and leaves us wondering at just how she did all that. In those less modern days to be a woman, even ennobled, was to be seen as second class. You literally were chattel and had almost no rights in marriage. As Charlotte Smith famously said your role as wife was little more than ‘legal prostitute’. From such a despicable place these authors have used their talents and ideas and helped redress that situation. Slowly at first. Privately printed, often anonymously or under the cloak of a male pseudonym their words spread. Their stories admired and, usually, their role still obscured from rightful acknowledgement. Aided by more advanced technology, the 1700’s began to see a steady stream of female writers until by the 1900’s mass market publishing saw short stories by female authors from all the strata of society being avidly read by everyone. Their names are a rollcall of talent and ‘can do’ spirit and society is richer for their works. In literature at least women are now acknowledged as equals, true behind the scenes little has changed but if (and to mis-quote Jane Austen) there is one universal truth, it is that ideas change society. These women’s most certainly did and will continue to do so as they easily write across genres, from horror and ghost stories to tender tales of love and making your way in society’s often grueling rut. They will not be silenced, their ideas and passion move emotions, thoughts and perhaps more importantly our ingrained view of what every individual human being is capable of. It is because of their desire to speak out, their desire to add their talents to the bias around them that we perhaps live in more enlightened, almost equal, times. Within these stories you will also find very occasional examples of historical prejudice. A few words here and there which in today’s world some may find inappropriate or even offensive. It is not our intention to make anyone uncomfortable but to show that the world in order to change must reconcile itself to the actual truth rather than put it out of sight. Context is everything, both to understand and to illuminate the path forward. The author’s words are set, our reaction to them encourages our change. 01 - The Female Short Story. A Chronological History - An Introduction - Volume 10 02 - Decay by Marjorie Bowen 03 - The Lie by Holloway Horn 04 - Joseph by Katherine Rickford 05 - The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield 06 - The Hoodoo by Martha Gruening 07 - The Three Kisses by Violet Quirk 08 - Sophy Mason Comes Back by E M Delafield 09 - The Death Hound by Violet Mary Firth writng as Dion Fortune 10 - After the Funeral by Mary Butts 11 - In No Strange Land by Katharine Butler 12 - Here We Are by Dorothy Parker 13 - Young Magic by Helen Simpson 14 - The Casualty List by Winifred Holtby 15 - Satan's Circus b
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È stata una figura eccentrica rispetto all’establishment letterario dell’Inghilterra di inizio secolo: gallese, socialista e vegetariana, dopo la laurea in greco girò l’Europa impartendo lezioni di inglese. La sua raccolta di racconti Rhapsody (1927) la fece conoscere e apprezzare dalla critica e le aprì le porte del Bloomsbury Group, ma Londra non era il Galles e Dorothy tornò ben presto nella casa natia, dove si dedicò a tempo pieno alla scrittura. Morì suicida nel 1934. Sonata d’inverno è il suo unico romanzo.

Dorothy Parker

1893, West End, New Jersey

Dorothy Parker è stata una scrittrice statunitense. Giornalista, collaborò a «Vogue», «Vanity Fair», «New Yorker», «Esquire», trasferendo sulla pagina l’umorismo tagliente per cui fu famosa come personaggio pubblico. Autrice di commedie, versi (Poesie, Collected poetry, 1944), libri di narrativa (Il mio mondo è qui, Here lies, 1939; Racconti, Collected stories, 1942), raggiunse i suoi risultati più precisi e pungenti nel ritrarre con acre ironia pregiudizi e conformismi del mondo alto-borghese. Negli anni del dopoguerra lavorò come sceneggiatrice a Hollywood.«Dorothy Parker ha scoperto una verità grave e salutare al tempo stesso: in quasi tutte le nostre più sentite disgrazie, si annida...


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