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The 1966 Live Recordings - CD Audio di Bob Dylan
The 1966 Live Recordings - CD Audio di Bob Dylan - 2
The 1966 Live Recordings - CD Audio di Bob Dylan
The 1966 Live Recordings - CD Audio di Bob Dylan - 2
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The 1966 Live Recordings
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The 1966 Live Recordings - CD Audio di Bob Dylan
The 1966 Live Recordings - CD Audio di Bob Dylan - 2


Un altro monumentale cofanetto con tutte le registrazioni del leggendario e controverso tour del 1966 negli USA, in Regno Unito, Europa e AustraliaIl box set da collezione con 36 CD include registrazioni dal mixer, registrazioni mobili di CBS Records e registrazioni effettuate tra il pubblico mai pubblicate finora, che catturano le elettrizzanti performance di Dylan e la vivace reazione degli spettatori.
Molte delle registrazioni contenute in questa raccolta non sono mai circolate in nessun formato.
Bob Dylan: The 1966 Live Recordings.
Cofanetto da collezione con 36 CD che include tutte le registrazioni dei leggendari concerti del 1966 negli USA, in Regno Unito, Europa e Australia. The 1966 Live Recordings celebra con un’incredibile qualità audio il 50esimo anniversario di quelle elettrizzanti performance dal vivo che avrebbero cambiato per sempre il sound e la direzione del rock e del pop mondiale.
“Durante le ricerche d’archivio per The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series Vol. 12, cofanetto con le studio session della metà degli anni ‘60 che è stato pubblicato lo scorso anno, ci siamo resi conto che le registrazioni live del 1966 erano splendide”, spiega Adam Block, Presidente di Legacy Recordings. “L’intensità delle performance di Dylan e la sua fantastica interpretazione dal vivo di queste canzoni rappresentano un altro elemento utile per comprendere e apprezzare la rivoluzione musicale che l’artista ha innescato circa 50 anni fa”.
Frutto di una ricerca e di un restauro accurati, il materiale contenuto in Bob Dylan: The 1966 Live Recordings proviene da tre sorgenti audio principali: si tratta di registrazioni dal mixer, registrazioni mobili di CBS Records e registrazioni effettuate tra il pubblico. Ad eccezione del concerto di Manchester (17 maggio 1966) pubblicato come Bob Dylan Live 1966 – The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 (Columbia/Legacy) nel 1998, di un paio di canzoni apparse nella raccolta Biograph e di poche altre, la grande maggioranza delle registrazioni e dei brani contenuti inBob Dylan: The 1966 Live Recordings non è mai stata pubblicata in nessun formato (ufficiale o bootleg) e ora viene resa disponibile per la prima volta.
Tutti i brani presenti in The 1966 Live Recordings sono scritti da Bob Dylan (voce, chitarra, piano, armonica a bocca) con la sola eccezione di “Baby, Let Me Follow You Down”, canzone folk tradizionale arrangiata da Dylan per l’esecuzione dal vivo. In queste registrazioni Dylan è accompagnato da Robbie Robertson (chitarra), Rick Danko (basso, cori), Richard Manuel (piano), Garth Hudson (organo) e Mickey Jones (batteria). (Sandy Konikoff suona la batteria soltanto nei concerti a White Plains e Pittsburgh).
Le note di copertina di Bob Dylan: The 1966 Live Recordings sono firmate da Clinton Heylin, autrice e consulente del progetto JUDAS!: From Forest Hills to the Free Trade Hall: A Historical View of Dylan’s Big Boo, resoconto fondamentale degli storici e decisivi tour mondiali di Dylan tra il 1965 e il 1966.
Ogni CD della raccolta è contenuto in una bustina diversa con immagini tratte dal materiale a colori girato da D.A. Pennebaker, le cui riprese dei tour di Dylan del 1965 e 1966 – Dont Look Back (1965) e Eat The Document (1966) – sono diventate due classici del cinéma vérité.
Le performance contenute in Bob Dylan: The 1966 Live Recordings sono il coronamento della fase di forte slancio creativo vissuta da Dylan a metà degli anni ‘60. Nel giro di 18 mesi, infatti, l’artista diede alle stampe gli album Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited e Blonde On Blonde, trilogia di capolavori che gli valsero la reputazione di songwriter e performer dalla profondità, potenza e originalità senza precedenti, e al contempo influenzarono in modo determinante il corso della musica e della cultura pop. Le registrazioni dei concerti di quello stesso periodo documentano l’evoluzione di Dylan come animale da palcoscenico dalla visione creativa senza limiti.
Bob Dylan: The 1966 Live Recordings è il completamento live di The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series Vol. 12, uscito per Columbia/Legacy nel novembre dello scorso anno.
Bob Dylan: The 1966 Live Recordings.
Disco 1 - Sydney, 13 aprile 1966 (mixer registrato da TCN 9 TV Australia)
Disco 2 - Sydney, 13 aprile 1966 (mixer registrato da TCN 9 TV Australia)
Disco 3 - Melbourne, 20 aprile 1966 (mixer / trasmissione sconosciuta)
Disco 4 - Copenaghen, 1 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 5 - Dublino, 5 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 6 - Dublino, 5 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 7 - Belfast, 6 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 8 - Belfast, 6 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 9 - Bristol, 10 maggio 1966 (mixer / pubblico)
Disco 10 - Bristol, 10 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 11 - Cardiff, 11 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 12 - Birmingham, 12 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 13 - Birmingham, 12 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 14 - Liverpool, 14 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 15 - Leicester, 15 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 16 - Leicester, 15 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 17 - Sheffield, 16 maggio 1966 (registrazione CBS Records)
Disco 18 - Sheffield, 16 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 19 - Manchester, 17 maggio 1966 (registrazione CBS Records)
Disco 20 - Manchester, 17 maggio 1966 (registrazione CBS Records tranne soundcheck / mixer)
Disco 21 - Glasgow, 19 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 22 - Edimburgo, 20 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 23 - Edimburgo, 20 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 24 - Newcastle, 21 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 25 - Newcastle, 21 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 26 - Parigi, 24 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 27 - Parigi, 24 maggio 1966 (mixer)
Disco 28 - Londra, 26 maggio 1966 (registrazione CBS Records)
Disco 29 - Londra, 26 maggio 1966 (registrazione CBS Records)
Disco 30 - Londra, 27 maggio 1966 (registrazione CBS Records)
Disco 31 - Londra, 27 maggio 1966 (registrazione CBS Records)
Disco 32 - White Plains, NY, 5 febbraio 1966 (audience recording)
Disco 33 - Pittsburgh, PA, 6 febbraio 1966 (audience recording)
Disco 34 - Hempstead, NY, 26 febbraio 1966 (audience recording)
Disco 35 - Melbourne, 19 aprile 1966 (audience recording)
Disco 36 - Stoccolma, 29 aprile 1966 (audience recording)
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CD Audio
11 novembre 2016

Conosci l'autore

Bob Dylan

1941, Duluth, Minnesota

Vincitore del Premio Nobel per la Letteratura nel 2016, Bob Dylan (Robert Allen Zimmerman nato a Duluth, Minnesota, nel 1941) è un cantautore e scrittore statunitense. Erede delle cadenze folk di Woody Guthrie e di Pete Seeger, originalmente fuse − nella sua musica − con le sonorità «elettriche» del nuovo rock, è stato uno dei miti più suggestivi, e più «consumati», della controcultura giovanile degli anni Sessanta. Nei suoi testi, canzoni o ballate, blues o poesie (Epitaffi abbozzati, Outlined epitaphs; Qualche altro genere di canzone, Some other kind of song), gli echi della tradizione populista e della parlata nera si combinano con le sperimentazioni della poesia beat, i temi del vagabondaggio nei grandi spazi −...


Disco 1

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 2

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Positively 4th Street

Disco 3

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Tell Me, Momma (Fragment)
Play Pausa
8 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
9 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues

Disco 4

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around (Fragment)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
6 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
7 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 5

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 6

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 7

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
5 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
6 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 8

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 9

Play Pausa
1 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
2 Mr. Tambourine Man
Play Pausa
3 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
4 Vision Of Johanna
Play Pausa
5 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
6 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
7 Just Like A Woman

Disco 10

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 11

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 12

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 13

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 14

Play Pausa
1 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
2 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
3 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
4 Mr. Tambourine Man
Play Pausa
5 Tell Me, Momma (Incomplete - Drop Out)
Play Pausa
6 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
7 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
8 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
9 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
10 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
11 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
12 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 15

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 16

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 17

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 18

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 19

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 20

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone
Play Pausa
9 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Incomplete) Soundcheck

Disco 21

Play Pausa
1 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
2 Desolation Row (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
3 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
4 Mr. Tambourine Man
Play Pausa
5 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
6 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
7 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
8 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
9 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
10 One Too Many Mornings (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
11 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
12 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 22

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 23

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 24

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 25

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 26

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 27

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 28

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 29

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 30

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like A Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man

Disco 31

Play Pausa
1 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
2 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
3 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
4 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
5 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
6 One Too Many Mornings
Play Pausa
7 Ballad Of A Thin Man
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 32

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 To Ramona
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Love Minus Zero / No Limit
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man
Play Pausa
8 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
9 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) [Incomplete]

Disco 33

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 To Ramona
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 Desolation Row (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
5 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
6 Mr. Tambourine Man
Play Pausa
7 Positively 4th Street
Play Pausa
8 Like A Rolling Stone

Disco 34

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Love Minus Zero / No Limit
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man
Play Pausa
8 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
9 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
10 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
11 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
12 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
Play Pausa
13 One Too Many Mornings (Incomplete)

Disco 35

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs to Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row
Play Pausa
6 Just Like a Woman
Play Pausa
7 Mr. Tambourine Man
Play Pausa
8 Tell Me, Momma
Play Pausa
9 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
10 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
11 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Play Pausa
12 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Fragment)

Disco 36

Play Pausa
1 She Belongs To Me
Play Pausa
2 Fourth Time Around
Play Pausa
3 Visions Of Johanna
Play Pausa
4 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Play Pausa
5 Desolation Row (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
6 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
Play Pausa
7 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
Play Pausa
8 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Fragment)
Play Pausa
9 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
10 One Too Many Mornings (Incomplete)
Play Pausa
11 Ballad Of A Thin Man (Incomplete)

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