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The Yoni Egg
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14,65 €
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The Yoni Egg

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The Yoni Egg

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Reveals the practices and rituals of the yoni egg for physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual growth and healing • Explains how to use a yoni egg at different stages of life to access inner beauty and wisdom, improve your sex life, prevent urinary incontinence and other women’s concerns, prepare for and recover from childbirth, release emotional trauma, boost confidence, and enhance vital energies • Reveals the properties and benefits of 12 different stone eggs along with guidelines for choosing the egg that will work best for you • Includes contributions from Taoist and tantric master teachers, including Mantak Chia, Minke de Vos, Aisha Sieburth, Jutta Kellen-Shepherd, Sarina Stone, Shashi Solluna, and Jose Toiràn, as well as testimonials from women of all ages Used for thousands of years throughout Asia, including by the royal concubines of the Chinese emperors, yoni eggs are egg-shaped stones used internally to help tone the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles as well as increase sensitivity, enhance intimate awareness, release emotional traumas, and open access to the sacred feminine within. In this full-color step-by-step guide, Lilou Macé details the techniques and rituals of yoni egg practice, aiming to dispel fears and reservations about its use and reveal its profound benefits for body, mind, and spirit. She explains how the yoni is not merely a body part, but the portal to greater wisdom and self-knowledge--your temple of the sacred feminine. Providing an anatomical guide to the yoni, she shows how it contains reflexology points and energy meridians that can be worked with through different placements of the yoni egg. She offers detailed instructions for yoni egg exercises, including how to use a yoni egg for the first time, and explores how these techniques can help you have more intense orgasms, prevent urinary incontinence and other women’s health issues, prepare for and recover from childbirth, release trauma and negative emotions trapped within your body, boost your confidence and femininity, and unlock access to your inner source of creativity and wisdom. The author explores the properties and healing benefits of 12 different gemstone eggs, from the well-known jade egg to lesser-known eggs such as amethyst, obsidian, and green aventurine, along with guidelines for choosing the stone type and egg size that will work best for you. Concluding with rituals for initiating yourself into the power of your yoni and for releasing the sacred feminine within, the author shows how each of us has the power to heal, to be kind to ourselves, and to reveal our own inner beauty and wisdom.
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