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The Witchcraft Delusion in New England (The Complete Three-Volume Edition)
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The Witchcraft Delusion in New England (The Complete Three-Volume Edition)

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The Witchcraft Delusion in New England (The Complete Three-Volume Edition)

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The Witchcraft Delusion in New England (The Complete Three-Volume Edition) stands as a seminal collection capturing the fevered essence of the witch trials that swept through New England in the late 17th century. This anthology embodies a rich tapestry of perspectives, threading together official proceedings, personal letters, and reflective essays to illuminate the multifaceted dimensions of this historical episode. The range encompassed—from Mather's zealous accounts to Calef's critical dissections—exemplifies an era marked by fear, intrigue, and the complex interplay between belief systems and governance. The inclusion of standout pieces such as court documents and eyewitness narratives serves not only to document the events but also to highlight the evolving narrative styles of the period, offering a window into the contentious dialogue between faith and reason. Within this context, the works of Cotton Mather and Robert Calef emerge as critical yet contrasting pillars, embodying the dichotomy of thought prevalent in New England's intellectual and spiritual communities during the witchcraft delusion. Mather's fervent puritanical convictions and Calef's skeptical rebuttals represent the prevailing tensions of their time, offering insights into the broader cultural and literary movements that shaped early American society. Their backgrounds, intertwined with the nascent formation of American identity, accentuate the collection's alignment with themes of authority, superstition, and the burgeoning enlightenment skepticism. Thus, this anthology brings together a harmonious yet contentious blend of voices that reflect upon, question, and critique the witch trials' societal implications. For scholars, students, and enthusiasts of early American literature and history, The Witchcraft Delusion in New England provides a unique vantage point from which to explore the complexities of human belief, the influence of religious doctrine, and the power dynamics of colonial America. This collection is an invaluable resource for those seeking to understand the historical underpinnings of witchcraft's cultural representation and its lasting impact on the American narrative, inviting readers to engage in a critical dialogue with the past.
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Conosci l'autore

Cotton Mather

(Boston 1663-1728) scrittore e teologo nordamericano. Figlio di Increase, dopo la laurea in medicina, divenne pastore congregazionalista, diviso tra la fede nel soprannaturale e l’adesione alle nuove verità della scienza. Tra le sue oltre 450 opere, si ricordano Le meraviglie del mondo invisibile (The wonders of the invisible world, 1693), studio degli effetti dell’opera demoniaca, e il ponderoso Magnalia Christi Americana (1702), storia ecclesiastica della Nuova Inghilterra tesa a dimostrare l’attiva presenza di Dio nel Nuovo mondo, in uno stile volutamente «adorno», che rivela in M. il lettore erudito dei giacobiti inglesi.


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