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The Well Of Loneliness
The Well Of Loneliness
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The Well Of Loneliness
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2,07 €
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The Well Of Loneliness

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In "The Well of Loneliness," Radclyffe Hall crafts a poignant tale of Stephen Gordon, a woman born into privilege who grapples with her identity and society's rigid norms. As Stephen navigates love, loss, and the quest for acceptance, her journey becomes a powerful exploration of gender and sexuality. Hall's groundbreaking narrative challenges the conventions of her time, offering a raw and empathetic portrayal of the LGBTQ+ experience. With themes of isolation, courage, and the search for belonging, this novel remains profoundly relevant, resonating with contemporary readers who seek to understand the complexities of human identity and the enduring struggle for equality. Stephen's struggle for acceptance and her ultimate resilience serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy, understanding, and the ongoing battle for human rights. Moreover, the book's emphasis on the detrimental effects of societal norms and the courage required to defy them can inspire contemporary readers to challenge injustices and support those who are marginalized. Stephen's story encourages a conversation about the importance of creating a society where everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, can live authentically without fear of persecution. The Well of Loneliness is not just a story of one woman's struggle; it is a universal tale of the human condition, the quest for identity, and the need for acceptance. Its relevance continues to grow as society progresses towards greater inclusivity and understanding. The novel's enduring legacy lies in its ability to connect with readers on a deeply emotional level, fostering empathy and inspiring change. For modern readers, Stephen Gordon's journey offers a profound look at the courage it takes to live one's truth in the face of overwhelming opposition. It is a call to action to support those who are different, to challenge discriminatory practices, and to strive for a world where everyone can love and be loved freely.
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Radclyffe Hall

1880, Bournemouth, Dorset

Marguerite Radclyffe Hall (Bournemouth, Dorset 1880 – Londra 1943) rinunciò fin da ragazza al suo nome di battesimo per farsi chiamare John. Di famiglia benestante, conobbe ad Amburgo nel 1907 una delle protagoniste dell’alta società, Mabel Veronica Batten, della quale si innamorò perdutamente e con la quale visse e viaggiò per anni. Dopo la scomparsa di questa, si legò a una giovane nobildonna, Una Troubridge, che fu la sua compagna fino alla morte. Tra i romanzi di Radclyffe Hall ricordiamo, oltre al Pozzo della solitudine, La lampada spenta, La stirpe di Adamo e Una vita del sabato.


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