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A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser: Unconditional Love Always Wins
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9,49 €
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A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser: Unconditional Love Always Wins

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A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser: Unconditional Love Always Wins

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"A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser: Unconditional Love Always Wins" is a heartfelt and compelling book by Silvia Moon that delves deep into the intricacies of the Twin Flame journey. In this book, Silvia Moon provides an honest and introspective perspective as a runner in a Twin Flame relationship, offering invaluable insights and guidance for both runners and chasers. The book emphasizes the transformative nature of the Twin Flame journey and explores themes of unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, and letting go of judgment. Silvia Moon aims to help readers confront their fears, embrace vulnerable feelings, and ultimately find their way back to their divine partner. With a sincere and empathetic approach, the book seeks to instill hope and understanding in those navigating the complexities of the Twin Flame connection. I would consciously divert my thoughts away from him. It did not last long — I would switch back to thinking of him without realizing it. Apart from feeling connected to my Twin Flame to infinity, I dream of him in some form. Even though a dream is unrelated to him, I feel his energy with me while I sleep. A part of him is in me as much as a part of me is with him. In this book, I would like to share with you my honest perspective of being the runner in Twin Flame relationships. Even though you are the Chaser, when you have a real perspective of the runner after reading this book, you will grow more empathy for your divine lover. You seek forgiveness — you focus on helping each other heal instead of having judgment and criticism. When love is real, your hearts are always summoning each other for a reunion. You feel the magnetism. You feel the oneness. You know deep within you that you are loved by someone out there. Your heart is always signaling you through vibrations — you are always in each other's minds. Instead of running from unconditional love, I would like to use this simple book to guide you back home — to your Twin Flame. I hope to help you confront your fears; to accept the overwhelming uncomfortable feelings. I also share tips on how I learned to embrace vulnerable feelings. I felt exposed to my Twin Flame and disarmed. Your life will never be the same again. Enjoy this simple book.
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