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Today I F****d Up
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11,77 €
11,77 €
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11,77 € Spedizione gratuita
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Today I F****d Up

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Today I F****d Up

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A toe curling, laugh out loud collection of worst day disasters. *I’d always rolled my eyes when people describe things as 'happening in slow motion'. Surely everything happens in regular time and it's only when you replay it in your head that it seems to slow down?*But as the car lurched forward and I found myself sailing through the back of the garage, I finally understood what they meant. When a trip to meet his new girlfriend’s grandparents ends in disaster (think a crashed ute, an angry wasp and a cranky farmer with a shotgun), Thomas Mitchell knows one thing for sure: bad days make for great stories. While we might not like to admit it, we can't help but find a sneaky pleasure in other people's misfortune. It's the reason fail compilations rack up millions of views on YouTube or television shows like Funniest Home Videos exist at all. Deep down we're addicted to the downfall of our fellow humans, and if there was ever a point in history when we needed a laugh, it's now. Today I F***D Up is a collection of tall tales but true that are equal parts hilarious and horrifying; a timely reminder that no matter how terrible things get, they could always be worse. So much worse. Praise for Today I F***D Up 'Today I F****d Up turns disaster, catastrophes, abject humiliation and pure mortification into gold. Essential reading for anyone who's been there as many times as I have. Read the book, and you'll laugh for sure, and you just might also cry.' Markus Zusak `You know those days where everything goes wrong? We’ve all had them and now Thomas Mitchell has written a book about them. It’s very funny. You can do what we love to do the most... laugh at other people’s expense.’ Larry Emdur `If you’re in need of a good laugh do yourself a favour and give it a read.’ Francesca Hung `Thomas Mitchell has written a book. He says it’s hilarious and I concur!’ Samantha Armytage `I’m reading this – it’s so good. Thomas Mitchell is very funny. And talented. If you want a laugh and a great read – can’t recommend it enough.’ Sally Obermeder `He’s hilarious!’ Kylie Gillies `Ever had a bad day? It’s nothing compared to the hilarious stories in this book. Filled to the brim with stories about dating, sex, losing your job, capitulating in a job interview and accidentally throwing a house party (we’ve all been there), Mitchell has compiled the best of the best for your enjoyment.’ Pop Sugar `Bad day? This book will help you feel 100 per cent better about your life choices.’ TV WEEK
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Conosci l'autore

Mitchell Thomas

1892, Elizabeth, New Jersey

Attore statunitense. Prima di passare davanti alla macchina da presa, lavora come giornalista e scrittore per il cinema. Da attore riscuote l'attenzione della critica per la prima volta in Orizzonte perduto (1937) di F. Capra, e successivamente interpreta il padre di Rossella O'Hara in Via col vento (1939) di V. Fleming. Grande caratterista, prende parte a un vasto numero dei migliori film del xx secolo. Nel 1940 vince l'Oscar per il suo Doc Boone in Ombre rosse di J. Ford.


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