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Tap & Let Go - Live without trauma
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9,49 €
9,49 €
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Tap & Let Go - Live without trauma

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Tap & Let Go - Live without trauma

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Tapping is a very easy way to get rid of stress, anxiety, fear, panic, pain and even trauma. It is extremely effective, because while using the mind you include the total body in the process, just by tapping on your face. Everyone can do it! In this book you learn WHY it works and HOW you can DO it yourself. The author gives you real life examples, including her own experience of getting rid of serious trauma of an event that happened when she was a teenager. You don't need the theory. Just do it and get results! You cannot reverse the past. It is done and gone! But everything changes when you are able to let it go. When you let go your old pattern and change your perception, your life will no longer be determined by limiting conclusions about your life, your future or yourself. How do you do that? Read this book. Transformation is possible, easy and even fun to do! A major misconception about trauma, PTSS and addiction is that they always require long-term therapy. You don't need to deal with trauma and you don't need to numb yourself. You can let it go, totally change the memory of it and live and love your life. In this book, Jeannette van Uffelen gives you the formula to release your past experiences at once and never look back. The stories and examples in this book show: How you learn to interrupt negative thoughts and habits through super simple techniques. How you can heal yourself and change your life, without talking about your miserable story again. How quickly a body recovers when you respond emotionally intelligently. How the lives of her clients all over the world changed completely in just one or a few sessions, thanks to this formula. How, through short assignments in this book, you quickly gain insight into what you have to let go of. How you can release and replace emotions. How you will surprise yourself and see what is possible when you take 100% responsibility for your life. What is already said about this book: This book was first published in Dutch and was said to be an 'intelligent book', a 'master piece' and an 'easy read'. It made people read it in one sitting, 'a pageturner', with a 'light approach to heavy stuff', it brought the reader a smile on the face, because of 'some good sense of humour'. This book made readers cry and laugh out loud. The book includes practical exercises and bonusmaterial with links to the author's own videos and instructions to learn how to do it all by yourself.
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