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Tales of Scottish Highlands & Moors – 70+ Historical Novels, Adventure Classics & Victorian Romances
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Tales of Scottish Highlands & Moors – 70+ Historical Novels, Adventure Classics & Victorian Romances

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Tales of Scottish Highlands & Moors – 70+ Historical Novels, Adventure Classics & Victorian Romances

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In 'Tales of Scottish Highlands & Moors – 70+ Historical Novels, Adventure Classics & Victorian Romances,' the rugged beauty and rich folklore of Scotland are brought to life through a vibrant tapestry of narratives. This anthology encapsulates an eclectic array of literary styles—from the romantic landscapes painted by Sir Walter Scott to the thrilling adventures penned by Robert Louis Stevenson. Each piece, varied in its approach yet unified in theme, offers a unique window into the Scottish soul, exploring themes of bravery, love, and the inexorable pull of one's homeland. The anthology stands as a testament to the diversity and depth of Scottish literary tradition, showcasing not only the historical breadth of the genre but also its emotional and geographical landscapes. The contributing authors—Robert Louis Stevenson, John Buchan, George MacDonald, Walter Scott, and J. M. Barrie—bring together a collective that spans the full breadth of the Victorian period and the early 20th century. Their backgrounds, ranging from the law to theology, enrich the collection with a multitude of perspectives, ensuring a nuanced exploration of Scottish identity. These authors were instrumental in establishing and celebrating the Scottish literary canon, each contributing to cultural and literary movements that sought to valorize Scotland's historical and mystical landscapes. Through their stories, Scotland's past is narrated, its myths are revived, and its landscapes become characters as vivid and compelling as the people who inhabit them. 'Tales of Scottish Highlands & Moors' is an essential collection for readers eager to dive into the heart of Scottish literature. It offers a singular opportunity to immerse oneself in the adventures and romances that have echoed through the Highlands for centuries. For the scholar, the student, or the casual reader, this anthology serves as a comprehensive and enlightening exploration of Scottish cultural heritage, inviting a deeper appreciation for the narratives that have shaped Scotland's literary and historical identity.
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Walter Scott

1771, Edimburgo

Poeta e romanziere scozzese.Di antica e nobile famiglia, compì studi da avvocato a Edimburgo e tentò la carriera forense, dedicandosi nello stesso tempo all’attività letteraria.Dopo aver tradotto dal tedesco alcune ballate di Bürger (1796) e di Goethe (1799), si fece notare con la raccolta di Canti giullareschi della frontiera scozzese (The minstrelsy of the scottish border, 1802-03). Il successo ottenuto nel 1805 con il poemetto narrativo "Il lamento dell’ultimo menestrello" (The lay of the last minstrel, 1805) gli permise di diventare socio dei suoi editori e di stabilirsi (1812) nella grande proprietà terriera di Abbotsford, che rimarrà sua dimora fino alla morte. Con "Waverley" (apparso anonimo nel 1814), che inaugura la serie dei...


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