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Shadowbane: Eye of Justice
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8,21 €
8,21 €
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Shadowbane: Eye of Justice

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Shadowbane: Eye of Justice

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Praise for Downshadow, by Erik Scott de Bie “Erik Scott de Bie meets the challenge of writing a compelling story while working within the constraints of a media tie-in novel. . . . De Bie demonstrates a deep knowledge of the Forgotten Realms setting and infuses the narrative with bits of history and mythology where necessary. Reading Downshadow, I very much felt that the story was taking place in a larger world that had a rich history. . . .The exposition is presented narratively and only when necessary. The story is compelling and the outcome open enough to compel a reader to desire more. Shadowbane himself is a bit of a cipher, but his character does grow as the story progresses. He starts as a generic superhero, but by the end of the book readers are beginning to see the personality behind the mask. I am eager to see the character develop further. Many likable characters die in the story and there is a cameo or two from other Forgotten Realms tales that provide nice Easter Eggs.”—Cinerati Overview: Rumors are swirling around the dark corners of Westgate that vigilantes are dealing violence and havoc in the guise of Shadowbane. Kalen and Myrin have just arrived from Luskan, in search of Kalen's former apprentice, Rhett. Though Kalen believes Rhett to be dead, Myrin won't give up hope as she in turn seeks more information about her past. And Kalen too must find his place, perhaps in the Eye of Justice, though that's the last place Kalen wants to end up. But who are these vigilantes who wield the vaunted sword Vindicator? Myrin and Kalen have no idea that a game is being played in which they are only pawns. All is not as it seems in Westgate. Read More: If you are looking for the first book in the Shadowbane storyline by Erik Scott de Bie, search for “Downshadow” by Erik Scott de Bie. If you are looking for more sword and sorcery, search for “Brimstone Angels” a new novel by Erin M. Evans, featuring a kickass warlock heroine who sets out to unravel the schemes of an evil succubus in the ruined city of Neverwinter. If you are looking for more adventure fantasy, search for “The Shard Axe” by Marshiela Rockwell, a chilling mystery set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons Online. If you are looking for more stories set in the Forgotten Realms, search for “Twilight Falling” by Paul Kemp, about Erevis Cale, an assassin with a conscience. If you are looking for more epic fantasy series, search for “Homeland” by R.A. Salvatore, the first book in the epic Legend of Drizzt. For more about Erik Scott de Bie, go to
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