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My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living
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My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living

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My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living

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In 'My Life as a Banker' the author combines both History and Geography with her positive outlook to bring her story to life. The Memoir is the story of a woman's determination to succeed in a profession that did not always favor women. Set on the lovely Caribbean island of Trinidad. MY LIFE AS A BANKER: A LIFE WORTH LIVING is a fascinating personal memoir written by Brenda Mohammed, a former bank manager. The book starts with the author's early life and childhood, leading up to her first job which was banking. Having defied death twice at the ages of eight and nine, she excels and graduates from High School at the tender age of sixteen and lands a job with an International bank with ties to the United Kingdom. Dealing with customers and money issues can be stressful, but Brenda proved that hard work and determination pay. She gradually moved up the ranks, and received several promotions, leading up to senior managerial status. Brenda describes changes in the banking system and changes in the bank's attitude towards its employees throughout her working years, and the important roles she played to bring about changes. My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living by Brenda Mohammed was the winner of Best Bio/Memoir 2nd place in Metamorph Publishing Summer Indie Book Awards 2016. Top reviews from the United States 5.0 out of 5 stars Verified Purchase "My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living]] is a wonderful story detailing how the author started at a clerical level and rose to a senior position, solely on the basis of her dedication, hard work, and intelligence. Brenda Mohammad describes how manual work was transformed into computerization, her working at different branches, and her working relationship with her colleagues Her farewell party from her fellow workers describes how popular she was during her stay with them. It was interesting to note, as a tradition, the groom used to write a letter to the bride's father to seek permission to marry his daughter. This is what happened when her husband proposed to her. The description of her marriage is so beautiful and emotional. Brenda had extensive travelling in the United States and Europe; I enjoyed her visits to Germany and Holland the most. Close knitting in her family and how her parents and her siblings took care of each other is worth reading; It was touching to read how her father talked to all of his children separately before his death. Brenda's belief in God is remarkable."
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