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Monkey in Mind
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Monkey in Mind

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Monkey in Mind

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This is a tale about a Thought Monkey called Monkey Tell whose task it is to deliver thoughts to people and who he must help to fulfill those thoughts to completion. The river of flowing thoughts flows right across the universe of time, carrying all our thoughts and memories from the beginning of time from the origins of thoughts to infinity. Yet, we take our river of thoughts and memories lightly. We fail to value our thoughts and memories, as we live our day-to-day lives. Thought monkeys deliver our thoughts and memories whenever we need them. When we are saddened, we receive happy memories to help us through difficult times in life. When we achieve successes in life our thought monkeys store these thoughts in our caves of treasured memories, which they transport in their canoes down the river of thoughts and memories. Poachers in the forest of the mind are the individuals who enjoy capturing the ideas of other people and claiming them as their own. There are some minds which have not been enriched enough to recognize and create ideas when they pass them by. However, these minds have the ability to spot "golden ideas" either in the written or spoken word and to claim them as their own. A poacher of ideas is unable to breathe life into an idea that was created in the mind of another individual. Our thought monkeys are shaped by us from the time of our birth and they keep evolving over time and they gradually enrich our minds with the most colorful and vibrant ideas, which are beneficial for our imagination and creativity. Imagine the Mona Lisa being painted by any other individual than Leonardo da Vinci, it would have lacked the beauty and the enchantment which it still holds for us to this day. The painting is more than just a work of art it is an artistic form of creative expression and speaks volumes about the mind and the genius of the man himself. "The power of thought makes a man an Immortal. The power of thought can save humanity from extinction. The power of thought defines our existence in the universe. A thought can travel through time and space, A thought can pierce heaven and hell, I am that thought, I am Monkey Tell." Inventors and Scientists were people who gave their "Thought Monkeys" free reign in the forest of their minds, which is one of the reasons that they could come up with such genius ideas. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Leonardo da Vinci are just a few of them. The beauty of having and nourishing an active imagination is that the ideas do not stop, they continue to leap out at you when you least expect them. The simplest object, sight, or sound can develop and transform itself into the most ridiculous idea which may be illogical but with a slight tweak and twist it could develop and morph into an object or invention which could transform the history of mankind forever, like the Law of Energy or the Law of Gravity.
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