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Mkunga Bui Bui Oracle Cosmogram: Anthology
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9,99 €
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Mkunga Bui Bui Oracle Cosmogram: Anthology

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Mkunga Bui Bui Oracle Cosmogram: Anthology

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This is a creative storytelling anthology of the mkunga bui bui's knowledge capacity to heal and birth. It is a kaleidoscopic tapestry of eight short stories and eight poems. This creative piece is a demonstration of the African midwife's knowing, being, and doing as a traditional African healer of self and community. The mkunga bui bui's scope (eight legs of intelligence) of (1) initiation, (2) connection, (3) manifestation, (4) building, (5) adaptation, (6) nurturance, (7) investigation, and (8) influence construct her knowledge capacity to conduct souls through a successful journey of the cycle of life. This book is one of the four components of the revolutionary self-help toolkit, Mkunga Bui Bui Oracle Cosmogram. The toolkit is a transdisciplinary address to the long-time persistent high black maternal and infant mortality rates in the United States. The anthology book is the second book of the toolkit. The toolkit is a cultural solution for the African American community tangled within a white supremacist socioeconomic infrastructure. Mkunga Bui Bui Oracle Cosmogram is an infusion of numerology, Bantu-Kongo cosmology, and the mkunga's eight legs of intelligence. This toolkit consists of a narrative book, anthology book, instruction manual, and a cosmogram board with moveable pieces. The narrative book and anthology book are released in digital form first to bring attention to the toolkit and build demand for the complete product. Mkunga is the Kiswahili word for midwife. Bui Bui is the Kiswahili word for spider. Author, Sankofa Ra, is illuminating an ancient web of alignment for healing and birthing that predates Western civilization. This is the first of many books and products to come to document and own the narrative of the black midwife's science of healing and birthing that has been temporarily disrupted by the transatlantic slave trade, slavery, colonization, medical industrial complex, and white supremacy. The mkunga bui bui (also known as the black midwife, granny midwife, grand midwife, African midwife) weaves a communal web to unite the wombtress, man, child, and community in the African science of rituals, nature, and spirituality for healthy alignment. This self-help (divination) toolkit will aid the African American community to awaken to their individual life purposes, paths, goals, challenges, and legacies. This toolkit will be an instrumental guide for mental and spiritual dismantlement for five hundred years of white supremacist oppression in North America. It is intended for the African American community to use this progressive and communal tool for reclaiming ancestral wisdom, healing ancestral trauma, stand in one's earthly purpose, and birthing healthy generations. Awaken to the web of care the mkunga bui bui has been called to serve within in the past, present, and future. From the shadows to the frontlines.
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