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Mastering Java Persistence API (JPA): Realize Java's Capabilities Spanning RDBMS, ORM, JDBC, Caching, Locking, Transaction Management, and JPQL
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Mastering Java Persistence API (JPA): Realize Java's Capabilities Spanning RDBMS, ORM, JDBC, Caching, Locking, Transaction Management, and JPQL

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Mastering Java Persistence API (JPA): Realize Java's Capabilities Spanning RDBMS, ORM, JDBC, Caching, Locking, Transaction Management, and JPQL

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Filled with sample case study, exercises, commonly faced issues/solutions, and important interview questions, this book is surely going to help developers to expand their skills in JPA. KEY FEATURES ? Covers every JPA capability with detailed examples. ? Explanation of popular JPA providers in detail as well as sample JPA code. ? Includes solutions geared toward developers, interview questions, and expert advice. DESCRIPTION 'Mastering Java Persistence API' is geared towards experiencing the functioning of JPA and the extent of its use in Java SE and Java EE applications. While the book's primary objective is to develop competence in JPA, it also takes a simpler approach to refresh readers on basic database management system concepts and how to design simple JPA applications. The book begins with the ideas like ORM, EJB CMP, and the difficulties associated with data conversion from a database to an application and vice versa are handled spontaneously. The book discusses Table, Row, Column, Cell, and various forms of Relationships and progress sequentially through the JPA concepts. It also discusses database processes such as identity generation, sequencing, locking, querying, persisting, caching, and transaction management in detail and emphasizes how JPA handles them. Further, the book covers the architecture and setup of two of the most extensively used JPA provider implementations (Hibernate and EclipseLink) in detail. Additionally, this book includes sample functioning code for connecting to a MySQL database. Each JPA functionality is illustrated with a code snippet, making it easier to modify these features as the application develops. This book teaches both beginners and seasoned professionals how to integrate JPA concepts in their employment through numerous problems and answers spanning each of the topics. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN ? Refresh your knowledge of relational database management system concepts in an object-oriented approach. ? Using JPA, you can create a table, row, column, key, query, data type, etc. ? Prepare for your first JPA project by working through the Mavenized Sample working code. ? Identify various ways for object-oriented representation of relationships. ? Acquire proficiency in various approaches for storing, caching, and transaction management. ? Discover the inner workings of JPA providers, Hibernate, and EclipseLink, as well as their architecture. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is aimed at Java developers who wish to master JPA and develop JPA-based applications enthusiastically. To get the most out of this book, you should have a basic familiarity with Java programming. AUTHOR BIO Nisha Parameswaran Kurur completed her Masters in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Madras), Chennai in 2007. She has 18+ years of experience in the IT industry which includes both services as well as products. She has been involved in software development in various domains such as telecom, broadcast, networks, retail, and document processing. Apart from the regular job, she loves to mentor students and IT professionals and nurture their interests in various computer science subjects. She is currently involved in a project to create CS-related technical books in the local language to bring out the interest among high school students in her state. She is also involved in contributing to the educational needs of special kids by setting up an online library with local language books.
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