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The Master Student: Book 1: Mindset:The Ultimate Guide to Success, Enjoyment and Productivity as a Chiropractic College Student
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The Master Student: Book 1: Mindset:The Ultimate Guide to Success, Enjoyment and Productivity as a Chiropractic College Student

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The Master Student: Book 1: Mindset:The Ultimate Guide to Success, Enjoyment and Productivity as a Chiropractic College Student

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Start Growing a Successful and Impressive Chiropractic Business Before You Graduate You already know that career success starts long before the actual career itself?but how can you cultivate that success to be most effective while getting your degree or certification? Moreover, how can you still enjoy the college life while avoiding the burnout that catches so many "good" students off guard? Most importantly, how can you become a chiropractic hero and help your future patients with actions you take now? All excellent questions, and Noah Volz, DC, is here to answer them. In the first book of his new series, The Master Student, Book 1: Mindset – The Ultimate Guide to Success, Enjoyment and Productivity as a Chiropractic College Student, he tackles these questions?and more! Born from his own experience and hundreds of interviews with successful chiropractors around the world, he imparts the wisdom of the ages in one compact, resource-rich bundle.Inside this first book of the series, you'll learn: •Why being impressive is more than just a shallow hope, and what it means for your career. •How you can avoid setbacks and learn to persevere. •The secret behind NOT quitting before you start. •The tricks many people use to work smarter and outcompete their classmates in less time. •How to avoid sabotaging yourself without meaning to. •The best time management tips used by the pros. •Why time off is important, and how to take it responsibly. •What life after chiropractic school will look like, and how to prepare effectively. •How to become a chiropractic hero!If you're looking to live your best life as a chiropractor, it's time to start now and become a master chiropractic student. With just a few simple mindset shifts, you can prioritize success, enjoyment and productivity in your work and life?even if you're not naturally the most impressive person in the room. As Dr. Volz explains in his book, "I am not your typical chiropractor. I am not an accomplished athlete. I don't exude charisma. I am not the most handsome guy in the room." He does well for himself because he knows the right tips and tricks to ace chiropractic school, and now he wants to share them with you!Writing with originality, generosity, compassion and purpose, Dr. Noah Volz imparts valuable lessons in an entertaining, engaging and snappy way?backed by a wealth of experience. As an author, chiropractor, and entrepreneur, he has started and run multiple companies and has been the host of the DC2Be Revolution YouTube channel and podcast. Don't wait. Get this book NOW to rock your school experience, set yourself up for success and build a satisfying career today!
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