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Makers and Takers
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Makers and Takers

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Makers and Takers

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In Makers and Takers you will discover why: * Seventy-one percent of conservatives say you have an obligation to care for a seriously injured spouse or parent versus less than half (46 percent) of liberals. * Conservatives have a better work ethic and are much less likely to call in sick than their liberal counterparts. * Liberals are 2½ times more likely to be resentful of others’ success and 50 percent more likely to be jealous of other people’s good luck. * Liberals are 2 times more likely to say it is okay to cheat the government out of welfare money you don’t deserve. * Conservatives are more likely than liberals to hug their children and “significantly more likely” to display positive nurturing emotions. * Liberals are less trusting of family members and much less likely to stay in touch with their parents. * Do you get satisfaction from putting someone else’s happiness ahead of your own? Fifty-five percent of conservatives said yes versus only 20 percent of liberals. * Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan, Bill O’Reilly and Dick Cheney have given large sums of money to people in need, while Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, and Al Gore have not. * Those who are “very liberal” are 3 times more likely than conservatives to throw things when they get angry. The American left prides itself on being superior to conservatives: more generous, less materialistic, more tolerant, more intellectual, and more selfless. For years scholars have constructed—and the media has pushed—elaborate theories designed to demonstrate that conservatives suffer from a host of personality defects and character flaws. According to these supposedly unbiased studies, conservatives are mean-spirited, greedy, selfish malcontents with authoritarian tendencies. Far from the belief of a few cranks, prominent liberals from John Kenneth Galbraith to Hillary Clinton have succumbed to these prejudices. But what do the facts show? Peter Schweizer has dug deep—through tax documents, scholarly data, primary opinion research surveys, and private records—and has discovered that these claims are a myth. Indeed, he shows that many of these claims actually apply more to liberals than conservatives. Much as he did in his bestseller Do as I Say (Not as I Do), he brings to light never-before-revealed facts that will upset conventional wisdom. Conservatives such as Ronald Reagan and Robert Bork have long argued that liberal policies promote social decay. Schweizer, using the latest data and research, exposes how, in general: * Liberals are more self-centered than conservatives. * Conservatives are more generous and charitable than liberals. * Liberals are more envious and less hardworking than conservatives. * Conservatives value truth more than liberals, and are less prone to cheating and lying. * Liberals are more angry than conservatives. * Conservatives are actually more knowledgeable than liberals. * Liberals are more dissatisfied and unhappy than conservatives. Schweizer argues that the failure lies in modern liberal ideas, which foster a self-centered, “if it feels good do it” attitude that leads liberals to outsource their responsibilities to the government and focus instead on themselves and their own desires.
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