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Living the Good Long Life
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13,30 €
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Living the Good Long Life

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Living the Good Long Life

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Martha Stewart’s engaging handbook for living your healthiest life after 40—with expertise from doctors and specialists on eating, exercise, wellness, home, and organizing, as well as caring for others. Martha Stewart’s Living the Good Long Life is a practical guide unlike any other: honest and upbeat, with clear and motivating charts, resources, and tips from doctors and wellness specialists. From the best ways to organize your home to protecting your mental well-being and appearance as you age, this book gives accessible ideas that you can incorporate every day. And when it’s time to explore caregiving for others, you’ll know how to enrich their quality of life while preventing your own fatigue. Martha’s 10 Golden Rules for Successful Aging provide a framework for chapters that cover your changing needs with every decade, including: -Healthy Eating: Stock a healthy pantry for your dietary needs. -Healthy Fitness: Stand strong on your feetbyincreasing your balance, endurance, and flexibility. -A Healthy Brain: Stimulate new brain activity to prevent memory loss. -A Healthy Outlook: Maintain a sense of daily purpose by strengthening social connections. -Healthy Living Every Day: Medicate wisely while paying attention to aches and pains. -Healthy Looks: Take care of your skin and match your makeup to your age. -Healthy Home: Create a home that is a reflection of how you want to live. -Healthy Living into the Future: Be your own wellness CEO to prevent future illness. -Healthy Caring: Prepare for helping others while caring for yourself, and much more! Healthy living begins with establishing small habits, and with Living the Good Long Life you’ll have a dependable source for thriving in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. "In my Foundation’s health initiatives—and in my own life—I’ve seen again and again how even small measures to improve your health can make a big difference. Living the Good Long Life is full of simple ideas that can be incorporated into daily routines to help you feel better and keep on doing what you love." —President Bill Clinton "For thirty years, Martha Stewart has carefully coached us on how to take care of our homes, our menus, our crafts. And now in Living the Good Long Life, she has brought her brilliant skills to the mission of helping us take care of ourselves. With sparkling prose, no-nonsense instruction, and, as always, oceans of wisdom, Martha implores readers not to recoil from their advancing years, but to embrace and celebrate them—with invaluable tips on keeping our diets healthy, our bodies pumping, and our outlook forever sunny. I just loved this book." —Marlo Thomas
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