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Kicking Type 2 Diabetes
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Kicking Type 2 Diabetes

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Kicking Type 2 Diabetes

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Welcome to "Kicking Type 2 Diabetes" Hopefully, you are wondering why a book on type 2 diabetes has pictures of vegetables all over it. If you did think that, then great as I have tweaked your interest. Out here on Crescent Hill Farm, we grow a lot of vegetables. That wasn't always that way, but because of my health issues, growing and eating our own veggies has become more important. Hello. My name is Dennis DeLaurier. I am an 80-year-old grandfather. There is nothing special about me. I personally eat mostly vegetables. While not vegan, I do not eat a large amount of meat, eggs, or some milk products and keep away from most oils and processed foods of any sort. When I tell people that I don't eat a lot of meat, the first thing they ask is where I get my protein. The answer is I get it from my vegetables and yes from meat as well. There is no need to eat meat and fats to get your required daily protein but the body needs these things as going completely vegan is not a good idea at least for me as you will see. One thing that you and I may have in common is that I am a diabetic. I have type 2 diabetes, and eating as I do has placed my diabetes into remission. I suspect that eating fatty foods like meat, eggs, cheese, and other things in my past life has caused serious heart problems which I will talk about later in this book. As I look back on it high blood sugar has damaged me in many different ways. Please note that I am not a doctor and this is really a story about me. There is a saying: If it comes from a plant you can eat it. If it comes out of a plant don't eat it. But that's not completely true as a diabetic I eat a lot of meat, but that's not what I eat all the time. Also, I must thank my wife for putting up with me all these years as I went on and off all kinds of diets which never really helped. I found out much later (almost 40 years later) that it was what I ate that did the damage, but at the time I had no really good way of monitoring my blood sugar. That is I would eventually take many bloody pinpricks on the side of my fingers to even know what was happening. Ouch! So let us take the trip as I went "Kicking Type 2 Diabetes".
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