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John Howe's Ultimate Fantasy Art Academy
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20,27 €
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John Howe's Ultimate Fantasy Art Academy

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John Howe's Ultimate Fantasy Art Academy

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Discover the creative processes and intriguing inspirations behind the work of leading fantasy artist John Howe – conceptual designer on The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy – in this comprehensive practical art book. Brings together Fantasy Art Workshop and Fantasy Drawing Workshop into a combined volume, fully updated and with new art. Examines in fascinating detail over 150 of the artist's outstanding sketches, drawings and paintings, plus the techniques and stories behind each. Leads you step-by-step through a range of specially commissioned drawing and painting demonstrations that reveal John's renowned artistic approach in action. Discusses the rewarding journey into fantasy art, from the first steps of building a compelling portfolio to book illustration, graphic novels and the big screen. This book will appeal to artists and fans of John Howe's work by leading you step-by-step through a range of specially commissioned demonstrations, sketches and finished paintings, some designed specifically for this book, that reveal John’s renowned artistic approach in action, plus the techniques and stories behind each. It covers a wide range of subjects, beginning with the creative process, exploring where inspiration comes from, looking at narratives and themes, gathering reference materials, organizing your working environment, and protecting and storing artwork. Howe covers drawing materials and explores drawing and painting fantasy beings from initial inspiration and approaches to characters, symbolism and accoutrements. He begins by showing how to create different types of male and female archetypes, humans in action, armour and weapons, faces, expressions and hands, hair and costumes, and goes on to explain how to create different types of fantasy beasts: talons, wings, fangs and fire, and noble animals, interspersed throughout with exciting case studies. The book also explores fantasy landscapes and architecture and balancing light and dark atmospheres. The final section of the book provides further inspiration and guidance on presenting work in various forms, including film work, book covers and advertising, all areas John Howe has vast experience in. The foreword is written by groundbreaking film director Terry Gilliam, with an afterword by Alan Lee, John's partner on the conceptual design for The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy and Oscar-winning illustrator.
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Alan Lee

 È l’illustratore delle celebri edizioni speciali del Signore degli Anelli e dello Hobbit.Ha studiato arti grafiche con una passione per i miti celtici e norreni e ha illustrato un’ampia gammadi volumi, tra cui Faeries, Merlin Dreams, Castles e il Mabinogion. Ha curato il conceptual designdel film di Terry Jones Erik il Vichingo e ha vinto la Kate Greenaway Medal per l’edizione illustratadi Navi nere di fronte a Troia, ovvero l’Iliade raccontata da Rosemary Sutcliff. A partire dal 1997 halavorato come conceptual designer e scenografo per i tre film del Signore degli Anelli di Peter Jackson,e nel 2004 ha ricevuto l’Oscar per la migliore scenografia grazie al lavoro sul Ritorno del Re. Nel 2005è uscito per Bompiani Il Signore degli Anelli. Schizzi...


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