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Insects the Future Food
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15,49 €
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Insects the Future Food - Cosarca Iulian - ebook

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Insects the Future Food

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In a remote corner of the country, a family decided to take the plunge and build an off-grid home. They wanted to live a more sustainable lifestyle, and they knew that living off the grid would be the best way to achieve that. They bought a piece of land and set out to build their dream home.The first thing the family did was to design their home using the principles of sustainable architecture. They knew that they wanted to use natural materials, such as wood and stone, to build their home. They also wanted to make use of passive solar design, which would help to keep their home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Next, the family set out to generate their own power. They installed solar panels on the roof of their home, which would provide electricity for their home. They also installed a wind turbine, which would generate additional electricity when the sun wasn't shining. They also installed a battery bank, which would store the excess electricity generated by the solar panels and wind turbine.The family also set out to collect their own water. They dug a well, which would provide them with a source of fresh water. They also installed a rainwater catchment system, which would collect rainwater from the roof of their home. They also built a greywater system, which would reuse the water from sinks, showers, and washing machines.The family also set out to grow their own food. They cleared a piece of land and started a vegetable garden. They also built a greenhouse, which would extend the growing season and provide them with fresh fruits and vegetables all year round. They also built a chicken coop, which would provide them with fresh eggs.The family also set out to live a more sustainable lifestyle. They used natural cleaning products, which would be kinder to the environment. They also composted their food waste, which would help to enrich the soil in their garden. They also used cloth napkins and towels, which would reduce their use of paper products. As the family settled into their new home, they realized that they had achieved something truly special. They had built a home that was not only beautiful but also sustainable. They had created a home that was in harmony with nature, and they felt a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment. They had taken the first step towards a more sustainable lifestyle, and they knew that it was just the beginning of a lifelong journey.
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