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Image Selling for Profit
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2,49 €
2,49 €
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Image Selling for Profit

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Image Selling for Profit

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Image Selling for Profit is a chapbook that teaches the secrets behind image selling. Indeed, many people are earning a fortune by simply selling an image. And, here is the kicker: Their clients who pay them top dollars do not even realize it. In today's world where you can easily spread a word about anything through the Internet and especially with the use of social media, it is not that hard to leverage your position in order to promotesomething. This chapbook lifts the veil and reveals the dark secrets behind image selling. Image Selling for Profit will show you the key points from building an image, strengthening it, drawing potential clients, closing a deal, up to making a nice profit, as well as tips and tricks that you can use in between. This is the master blueprint that teaches the ins and outs of this high-profit scheme. It is said that God created man in His own image. Well, guess what? The modern man is just like God, creating an image and selling them for profit — and it works! Whether you are already in business or someone looking for a way to earn more money, or maybe you are one of the victims of this scheme, then this chapbook is definitely for you. We will not waste our time with trivial matters. Rather, we will deal with the hard and real stuff. We will dig deep and explore the important details about image selling, such as how you can spot someone who is merely selling an image from someone who is truly genuine and true, as well as how you can create your very own image that you can sell for top dollars. You will also learn how to effectively promote an image and make it simply believable to the point that people will contact you and pay thousands of dollars just to buy the image you have created. Not only that, but we will also discuss how you can stay in business, maintain a good image, and keep the money flowing into your pocket and bank accounts. It should be noted that image selling alone is not completely bad, but it has a dark side that once you learn to leverage and manipulate skillfully, then it will enable you to generate income like no other. Image Selling for Profit will teach you the way into this business. Learn the ropes that will allow you to pull in streams of high-value income. Make a name, enjoy the fame, and rake in money with this power. If you feel that you are ready for this, then let me now welcome you into the world of image selling — the modern man's way of raking in serious cash. Just like a god, it is time to learn how to sell an image of your own creation — and make a living. Let us begin…
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