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I'm Tired of Racism
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I'm Tired of Racism

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I'm Tired of Racism

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To feel empathy, you need to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. If the experiences of racism in a white supremacist system seem too far away from your daily reality, I'm Tired of Racism will change that. If you think of racism as something that only happens where you are, I'm Tired of Racism will change that, too. And if you're wondering how you can be a true ally and avoid performative nonsense, this book is an excellent starting point. I'm Tired of Racism collects many of Sharon Hurley Hall's anti-racism essays, sharing her global perspective on racism, anti-racism, anti-Blackness, and white supremacy, born out of experiences in the Caribbean, the UK, the US and elsewhere. Hurley Hall has lived and worked in multiple countries, enabling her to accurately reflect what's the same and what's different about experiences of racism in different locations. The foreword, by Ashanti Maya Martin, says: "Because Sharon's experience is rooted in the U.S., the Caribbean, and Europe, she's able to tell us how the U.S. looks from the outside in (not great at the moment), and explain how even being a citizen of a Black-majority country comes with its own layered burdens rooted in colonialism and white supremacy." Buy this book today to learn more about racism and to start your allyship journey. About the author Sharon Hurley Hall is an anti-racism activist, writer, and educator. Firmly committed to doing her part to eliminate racism, she is the Founder and Curator-in-Chief of Sharon's Anti-Racism Newsletter. In this twice-weekly online publication, Sharon writes about existing while Black in majority-white spaces, and amplifies the voices of other anti-racism activists. A writer with more than 30 years' experience, she has written and ghostwritten articles for companies and non-profits looking to show up authentically with their DEIB and JEDI content. Sharon is also the author of Exploring Shadeism, an analysis of colorism in Barbados and the wider Caribbean. Sharon holds MA degrees in Media and Cultural Studies, and in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Praise for I'm Tired of Racism: "This collection of on-point and poignant pieces widens our lens for viewing a world shaped by its domination and oppression of racialized people." "The power in this book comes from Sharon's ability to articulate something many people may feel or wonder about, but perhaps have not yet gained clarity as to the underlying dynamics truly at play." "Ms. Hurley Hall writes about what the everyday, embodied experience of Blackness feels like--physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually--from inside the colonial practices of racism." "Sharon has a knack for condensing her lived experience with racism into concise essays that pack emotional power." "If you're Black, you've found an advocate. If you're white, this is an educational book." Praise for Sharon's previous book Exploring Shadeism "A timely addition to the conversations surrounding inter- and intra-racial relationships." "A fascinating glimpse into the realities of the tropical paradises many take for granted." "Well-written; chock full of information and perspectives - an excellent resource for any social scientist." "This book offers a nuanced exploration of colour and class in Caribbean society." Book club kit now available! -
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