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Hire the Kids: The Parental Guide
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6,49 €
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Hire the Kids: The Parental Guide

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Hire the Kids: The Parental Guide

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HIRE THE KIDS: The Parental Guide is a must-read for entrepreneurial parents who want to blend family life with business. This guide introduces the transformative "Rich Kid" model, which moves beyond traditional parenting approaches to create a path where children learn the value of hard work, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial thinking from an early age. The book delves into the concept of "Rich Kid vs. Poor Kid," illustrating the stark differences between children who actively participate in their parents' businesses and those who passively receive allowances. A "Rich Kid" in this context isn't someone born into privilege, but a child who learns the ropes of business, earns a wage, and gains a deep understanding of financial management. These kids are not just handed money—they are taught to earn it, save it, invest it, and grow it. They develop the skills and mindset needed to become independent and financially savvy adults. On the other hand, the "Poor Kid" model represents children who, despite having access to resources, lack an understanding of money management and entrepreneurial skills. They may receive money without connecting it to effort or learning how to manage it wisely. This guide shows how involving your child in the family business can prevent this scenario by turning them into active contributors to their own financial future. HIRE THE KIDS: The Parental Guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach for parents who want to bring their children into the business world. It covers everything you need to know, from understanding child labor laws and taking advantage of tax benefits to teaching budgeting, investment principles, and the fundamentals of running a business. The book is filled with practical advice and strategies to help you implement the "Rich Kid" model, ensuring your children learn valuable life skills and gain a head start in building a prosperous future. Ideal for parents who want more for their children than just a conventional career path, this guide offers a unique blend of parenting insights and business acumen. It provides actionable steps to help you instill a strong work ethic, financial literacy, and an entrepreneurial mindset in your kids. Whether you're looking to prepare your children to take over the family business, teach them how to manage money wisely, or simply provide them with skills that will serve them throughout life, HIRE THE KIDS: The Parental Guide is your roadmap. It's about building a lasting legacy, one where your children are not only ready to inherit but are also prepared to innovate and lead. Let this guide help you take the first steps toward integrating your children into your business, fostering their potential, and laying the foundation for a legacy that will thrive for generations to come.
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