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The Foundation
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The Foundation

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The Foundation

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Dear valued reader The foundation is a series of research papers. It aims to assist the reader navigate the Qur'ân verses and give clear answers to the fundamental questions regarding Islam The first part's main points are: The monotheism and concept of God in Islam The Creation of the First Human - Female Adam's story, and his journey between the earths Finally, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read the foundation. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ From the Publisher:- "Allah is One God. He is The Eternal. He neither begets nor is born. There is none comparable to Him," a believer says. [Sûrah / chapter (The Monotheism) 112:1-4] The Monotheism concept of God and its related Quranic verses are discussed in The Foundation #1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ He grew you gradually from the earth. Afterward, He will return you to the earth and extract you again from it. [71:17-18] A sign for them is the dead land. We revive it and bring forth from it grain to eat. [36:33] The creation of humans is mentioned in various parts of the Quran, and the narrative is often conveyed in a poetic and symbolic language. The key verses related to the creation of humankind are explained in detail. In addition to highlighting specific verses that make clear that creation began with a single female. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ The likeness of Îsâ (Jesus) with Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, and then He said to him, "Be!" - And he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters. [3:59-60] Adam and Jesus -- alike. Adam and Jesus were created from dust. The Mother >>> Adam [Mary] >>> Jesus _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ "Satan has touched me with distress and torment," Job said. Strike with your foot; this is cold water bath and drink. [38:41-42] Prophet Job used cold water as a cure. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Allah said, "Adam, dwell you and your wife in the garden and eat both of you freely with joy, anywhere you wish (Thrive), but don't come near this tree, or you both will be among the wrongdoers (Trial)." [2:34-35] Adam's story: the first scene. Foundation #1 narrates the story of Adam and his wife and their journey between earths.
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(Parigi 1862-1920) romanziere francese. Di accesi sentimenti nazionalistici e conservatori, seguace di Barrès, esaltò la guerra, la forza fisica, la bellezza degli avvenimenti di massa. Larga notorietà ebbe a suo tempo il ciclo storico Il tempo e la vita (Le temps et la vie, 1899-1903), che costituisce una vasta epopea delle generazioni vissute fra la rivoluzione del 1789 e quella del 1830. La sua abbondante produzione narrativa (si ricordano ancora Carne debole, Chair molle, 1885, e Il mistero delle folle, Le mystère des foules, 1895) attinge ora al naturalismo, ora al simbolismo, ora all’intimismo psicologico e all’esoterismo.


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