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The Complete Works of Washington Irving (Illustrated)
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The Complete Works of Washington Irving (Illustrated)

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The Complete Works of Washington Irving (Illustrated)

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The Complete Works of Washington Irving (Illustrated) showcases a diverse collection of writings from the prolific author. Known for his contributions to American literature, Irving's literary style combines elements of romanticism and realism to create vivid depictions of early American life. From iconic short stories like "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" to historical narratives and essays, this book offers readers a comprehensive view of Irving's genius. The inclusion of illustrations adds another layer of depth to the rich storytelling. Irving's ability to capture the essence of the American spirit and folklore makes his works timeless and captivating for readers of all ages. Washington Irving's background as a diplomat and historian provided him with a unique perspective that is reflected in his writings. Drawing inspiration from his travels and observations, Irving crafted tales that resonate with readers to this day. His dedication to preserving American culture and heritage through literature is evident in the breadth of his work. By delving into The Complete Works of Washington Irving, readers can gain a deeper appreciation for his contribution to the American literary landscape and his enduring legacy. I highly recommend The Complete Works of Washington Irving (Illustrated) to those who appreciate classic American literature and engaging storytelling. Irving's timeless tales are sure to enchant and entertain readers looking for a glimpse into the early days of the United States and the imaginative worlds he created. For enthusiasts of American literature and history, 'The Complete Works of Washington Irving (Illustrated)' is a treasured compilation that promises to enrapture with its blend of the quaint and the profound. It appeals to readers who cherish the intertwining of the fanciful with the historical, the light-hearted with the serious, and offers a unique vantage point from which to appreciate the evolution of American literature. Academics and literary aficionados alike will find this anthology an indispensable reference, illuminating the idiosyncrasies of early 19th-century America as seen through the discerning eyes of one of its most endearing literary figures.
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Washington Irving

1783, New York (New York)

Figlio di un ricco commerciante newyorkese, Irving fu avviato agli studi giuridici, ma si diede presto ai viaggi e all’attività letteraria. In Salmagundi: o ghiribizzi e opinioni del signor Launcelot Langstaff, e altri (Salmagundi: or the whim-whams and opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and others, 1807-08) satireggiò amabilmente la società di New York. Con la parodistica Storia di New York (History of New York, 1809), che scherzosamente attribuì a un immaginario studioso olandese-americano, Diedrich Knickerbocker, diede la prima rilevante testimonianza della letteratura umoristica americana. Nel 1818 lasciò l’America per l’Inghilterra, dove rimase 17 anni. Dal suo soggiorno nella campagna inglese e dal suo amore per gli scrittori romantici...


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