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The Center of the Universe: Volume 12, Chapters 52-55
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The Center of the Universe: Volume 12, Chapters 52-55

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The Center of the Universe: Volume 12, Chapters 52-55

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When Douglas begins an affair with his stunning yet prim colleague, Nguyet, neither of them suspects how turbulent their liaison will become. Over the years, not only their intimacy and audacity grow, but also their susceptibility to temptation. On their journey of unbridled lust, they also meet others who are equally liable to sin, so that eventually an orgy circle forms in their sleepy little town in Central Vietnam. Douglas' liaison with Nguyet is soon followed by others. In the first episode here, he meets three of his former students for a photo session, which soon becomes much more sensual and ribald than all four of them had imagined. In the following chapter, one of the three young beauties wants Douglas to take photos again but, this time, in a different outfit – and just the two of them. While they are getting ready for the photoshoot on the roof of a hotel, she recounts her moving love affair with a spiffy aspiring naval officer, which is perhaps the most moving tale Douglas has ever heard. But is Linh up for some chipper loin twirl, afterward? In the third chapter, another of the three graces, Tina, is preparing herself mentally for a new source of income, for which she needs to do a trial-run with Douglas, however. First, she shows him the city and then something much more beautiful and beguiling. Last but not least, Douglas helps Tuyet, the third young woman of the bunch, prepare for her math exam at university. Oddly, non-Euclidean geometry, coupled with Linh's webcam show, provide the beginning for a quick round of titillating, tender debauchery. As varied as Douglas' charming encounters with the ladies in this volume are, they all have one theme in common: Ultimately, they are life-affirming efforts on the part of the young Vietnamese women to liberate themselves from the rigid, stifling moral norms of their post-socialist society. All four novellas here are told in light-hearted, very revealing ways. In passing, they also offer glimpses into Vietnamese culture. Without taboos, all episodes explore the sources and dynamic of erotic desire and lure the reader under the spell of an exotic world. The author of this extensive series of erotic stories has been enjoying Southeast Asia for ten years now. After living in Germany and the U.S. for most of his life, Douglas ventured in the opposite direction in 2010: first, he taught at a community college in the South Seas for three years, before settling in Vietnam. Naturally, all novellas reflect his undying love for young Southeast Asian women.
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