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Book 5: Lifelong Learning-Your Career in Education
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Book 5: Lifelong Learning-Your Career in Education

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Book 5: Lifelong Learning-Your Career in Education

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BOOK 5: Lifelong Learning–Your Career in Education is the 5th BOOK in the SERIES of CREATING THE DYNAMIC CLASSROOM: 5 Must-Haves for Teachers, 4th edition (2020), RELAUNCHED 2022–with references to ONLINE and HYBRID TEACHING. We believe that dynamic teaching is effective, engaging, and motivating teaching, whether in the face-to-face or virtual environment. BOOK 5 offers: Valuable insights into securing any position, including that first teaching or leadership position Beneficial and important strategies for the employment process, including information about the resume, cover letter, career eportfolios, professional websites, and the importance of leadership experiences Essential strategies and the SECRET to having a dynamic interview– while "on the hotseat" What to do when landing a teaching position Practical strategies for the role of the occasional teacher Insights about a teaching career as a continuous, ongoing professional development and growth process The 5 ebooks or paperbacks in the SERIES include: BOOK 1: Creating an Inclusive Classroom Atmosphere BOOK 2: Planning an Engaging, Dynamic, and Inclusive Curriculum BOOK 3: Creating Effective Assessing, Evaluating, and Reporting Practices BOOK 4: Creating a Student-Centred Literacy Classroom BOOK 5: Lifelong Learning–Your Career in Education This SERIES has Accompanying Downloadable FREE Resources (Line Masters, PowerPoint presentations, and sample Teacher Education assignments which can be easily modified based on your needs and interests) accessed (on the CREATING THE DYNAMIC CLASSROOM website) with the password found at the back of each BOOK. REVIEWS: September 2021: "I have purchased multiple copies of the resource CREATING THE DYNAMIC CLASSROOM over the past several years. As a mentor teacher, I use it to support colleagues new to the profession going through the New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP), and I tell these teachers to purchase this resource. In working with new teachers and those in training, I find that everyone would benefit from using this resource (now 5 paperbacks or ebooks on Amazon) as a foundation for establishing their own program. The sample engagement activities and parental letters/newsletter are especially helpful as I find that many worry about parent engagement. I have been teaching for 9 years and I still refer to this resource on an annual basis! Thanks for providing such a wonderful tool to support learning." Benjamin, Grade 7 Homeroom Teacher July 2017: I feel intense gratitude towards Dr. Schwartz for her mentorship during my interview process for the Vice-Principal role....Dr. Schwartz's unwavering support, uncompromising honesty, and effective coaching were instrumental to my success throughout this process. She prepared me for the interviews using the 3 R's framework from her BOOK 5....It is an invaluable support for new and experienced teachers, and for anyone contemplating interviewing for teaching and leadership opportunities." Emmanuel, M.Ed., Vice-Principal NOTE: Dr. Susan Schwartz is also offering coaching, resume and cover letter feedback and editing, as well as one-on-one CONSULTING support for the interview and employment process. Check out other REVIEWS and her BLOG on her CREATING THE DYNAMIC CLASSROOM website.
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