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Bitterly Divided America At Crossroads: Will America Choose Civil War Or World War Or Global Peace?
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Bitterly Divided America At Crossroads: Will America Choose Civil War Or World War Or Global Peace?

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Bitterly Divided America At Crossroads: Will America Choose Civil War Or World War Or Global Peace?

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Black swan President Trump managed to turn America upside down in the short span of his 4-years reign. He sharpened social conflicts, and severely stressed crucial international relations to the extent that he was literally pushing the world to the brink of WW3. The 2020 US presidential election therefore represented a critical junction of modern history, a fork in the road, for both America and the whole world. This book highlights the terrible death tolls of the two world wars and the 1918 and the 2020 pandemics. It notes that ironically, it was Trump's epic and egoistic mishandling of the pandemic in America that truly sunk his re-election bid. This fortuitous averting of WW3 was a remarkable outcome that spared USA, Taiwan, China, and the whole world the unimaginable devastation of a total war and deadly disease. The immediate post-Trump period in 2021 will be a time to reset the US Covid-19 control policies, as well as to repair the damages caused by Trumpian nationalism, fractured trade and international relations, and the dangerous policies towards China, Iran and North Korea. The challenges facing the new Biden administration is therefore great and would require careful balancing of the priorities of the deeply divided US politics. Because of the deeply divided US politics and public opinion, the danger of the eventual breakup of USA into a Republic of America and a Democratic Republic of America is a real one. Ironically, this could be averted if the xenophobic Congress bipartisanship were to decide to use a disastrous world war to divert all the public discontent and grievances. As events develop, USA could well find itself fighting a civil war, devastated in a world war, or enjoying world peace. In the longer term, the building of a new and better USA would requires much greater effort and sustained social and political reconciliation within the country. The dangerous blue red divide must be bridged. This book considers the need for USA to set up a National Commission for Change to chart the necessary changes in US politics, foreign relations and practices, to review the dangers of social media, and to study necessary constitutional amendments. If these are done right, future America will be stronger and better able to achieve lasting peace and prosperity for USA and the whole world.
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