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Assessing Your Innovation Capability (Chapter 4 from Disrupt Together)
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9,42 €
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Assessing Your Innovation Capability (Chapter 4 from Disrupt Together)

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Assessing Your Innovation Capability (Chapter 4 from Disrupt Together)

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Before you can achieve sustainable, profitable business innovation, you need to understand where you stand now: your strengths, weaknesses, and best opportunities for improvement. Now, discover how to do this, and how to integrate assessment into a complete innovation framework that works. Assessing Your Innovation Capability is part of Philadelphia University's breakthrough team-based approach to innovation: one that links business, design and engineering, and delivers extraordinary results in both new and existing ventures. First, Dr. Stephen Spinelli and Heather McGowan introduce this "Disrupt Together" approach, explain its deep roots in design thinking, and show how it generates far more high-value ideas for innovation. Next, Ellen di Resta drills down to offer comprehensive, expert guidance for all facets of innovation assessment, including: Deciding where to start when you know you need to innovate Assessing your organization's current innovation skills, and identifying gaps Identifying the types of innovation your people naturally gravitate to – and the types they resist or never think about Recognizing the types of thinking your organization currently encourages Determining whether your team knows how to translate design into your finished product, service, or experience Assessing Your Innovation Capability is one of 15 e-chapters addressing all facets of innovation, from design processes and team development to business models and value delivery. Each is crafted by a pioneering business innovator – and they all integrate into today's most coherent, realistic blueprint for innovation. For all entrepreneurs, executives, managers, strategists, and students who want to drive more value from innovation. Ellen di Resta specializes in creating new sources of revenue for companies seeking to reinvent themselves, and aligning market insight to create successful new products and services. She has worked in corporate and consulting capacities, currently with Becton Dickinson, and with clients such as P and G, Tetra Pak, and the Center for Creative Leadership. She founded Synaptics Group to apply broad educational and industry experience to academic, speaking, and writing venues. A frequent lecturer and advisor to university and corporate innovation programs, she holds degrees in design, engineering, and business.
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Heather McGowan

Di Heather McGowan non si sa molto. È certo che è nata negli Stati Uniti, che ha trascorso in Francia, Belgio e Inghilterra parte dell’adolescenza e che ha bisogno di minimo sei anni per completare un romanzo. Acclamata come una delle migliori voci emergenti della nuova narrativa americana in virtù del suo coraggio e della sua intransigenza nella sperimentazione di voci e strutture narrative insolite, si è guadagnata da subito l’ammirazione entusiasta di autori come Jonathan Lethem, Percival Everett, Andrew Sean Greer e Rick Moody. Nutrimenti ha pubblicato Schooling nel 2007 e Duchessa del nulla nel 2008.


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